Friday, December 29, 2006

Thanks to Venus and Mars (I think)!

Yesterday I decided to change the look of my blog. It wasn't as difficult as I had imagined : change basic template, dabble with html (after reading a variety of advice on other blogs) - voila! The hardest part was finding a graphic to add to the header. I chose and tried several, all looked fine, then I realised they were all subject to copyright. Eventually I decided to use a photograph I took myself last year in Manchester, England. I cropped it, and......well, it'll do for now! I wonder what starry influences set me out on yesterday's task? I've investigated transits and found that Venus was transiting over my Mercury while Mars passed over natal Venus.


Anonymous said...

Ooooo - so, so cool looking! I love the graphic you chose. Hurrah!

Velvet Blade said...

I love your new look! It appeals to my Libra Midheaven and Venus in Libra! Great choice of pic!


Twilight said...

Thanks April and Velvet Blade !

I'm about to rifle through my husband's amateur artwork next to see if he has anything I could use as an alternative header. He'll probably expect royalties......Yeah, right!
Ann (Twilight)