Transiting Jupiter, planet of travel, is still hanging around my natal Venus in Sagittarius, and North node of HeWhoKnows. Another adventure coming up! We are off to Columbus, Ohio to see my husband's younger son, who I have yet to meet in person. As E.B. White said,(above) we'll get there in a car.
Bill Bryson's comment about Ohio, in his Book "The Lost Continent", isn't too encouraging but I'll not be disheartnened:
"In the morning I awoke early and experienced that sinking sensation that overcomes you when you first open your eyes and realize that instead of a normal day ahead of you, with its scattering of simple gratifications, you are going to have a day without even the tiniest of pleasures; you are going to drive across Ohio."
Bill Bryson's books are a joy . He's American, his wife is English. They have lived for long periods in both America and the UK. His observations about the two countries always ring bells for me. He's a Sun Sagittarian with Mercury in Capricorn. Mercury (writing planet) is square his Sun's ruler Jupiter(publishing planet and planet of travel). His writing discloses a wry sense of humour combined with shrewd observation and candid commentary, which results in a very readable and entertaining style.
We're bound to discover plenty of interest on the journey, which touches five states. One visit en route is already planned: an Air Museum in Dayton, Ohio, where HeWhoKnows hope
s to see a Lockheed SR.71, also known as "Blackbird", a reconnaissance aircraft. My husband has a "thing" about aircraft. Odd really, because he has not a single planet in an Air sign or Air house. Aircraft? I can take 'em or leave 'em - but I'd prefer to be a passenger, rather than gawping at one marooned on the Earth. It'll be an interesting side-stop though, as a trade-off he can accompany me around a few upscale stores.
HeWhoKnows is the first male I've known who actually enjoys shopping. He will even search through rails of bras to help me find my size. Neither my Dad nor my late partner would have dared to venture among rails of bras, or within 100 yards of a lingerie department! I put this characteristic down to his kingly Leo Moon and Leo Rising. He's not imperious in any way, quite the opposite, but he has very few inhibitions. His own wardrobe could be accurately described as "random". On one occasion, last fall, I remember him answering the doorbell, wearing some enormous fluffy slippers which look like lion heads, and a clown wig (he uses it to keep his head warm). The person at the door turned out to be a Republican candidate campaigning in the November 2006 election....who backed off immediately!
Bill Bryson's comment about Ohio, in his Book "The Lost Continent", isn't too encouraging but I'll not be disheartnened:
"In the morning I awoke early and experienced that sinking sensation that overcomes you when you first open your eyes and realize that instead of a normal day ahead of you, with its scattering of simple gratifications, you are going to have a day without even the tiniest of pleasures; you are going to drive across Ohio."
Bill Bryson's books are a joy . He's American, his wife is English. They have lived for long periods in both America and the UK. His observations about the two countries always ring bells for me. He's a Sun Sagittarian with Mercury in Capricorn. Mercury (writing planet) is square his Sun's ruler Jupiter(publishing planet and planet of travel). His writing discloses a wry sense of humour combined with shrewd observation and candid commentary, which results in a very readable and entertaining style.
We're bound to discover plenty of interest on the journey, which touches five states. One visit en route is already planned: an Air Museum in Dayton, Ohio, where HeWhoKnows hope

HeWhoKnows is the first male I've known who actually enjoys shopping. He will even search through rails of bras to help me find my size. Neither my Dad nor my late partner would have dared to venture among rails of bras, or within 100 yards of a lingerie department! I put this characteristic down to his kingly Leo Moon and Leo Rising. He's not imperious in any way, quite the opposite, but he has very few inhibitions. His own wardrobe could be accurately described as "random". On one occasion, last fall, I remember him answering the doorbell, wearing some enormous fluffy slippers which look like lion heads, and a clown wig (he uses it to keep his head warm). The person at the door turned out to be a Republican candidate campaigning in the November 2006 election....who backed off immediately!