New Year's Eve and prediction is the name of the game!
First, a few predictions picked from writers at the National Review Online, non-astrological of course. I realised, after reading the full list of predictions there from several different writers, that the site is avidly right-wing in orientation. Never mind! The two selections chosen are fairly light, largely non-political, some tongue-in-cheek.
At the end of this post I've added my own 3-card tarot reading for 2011. I shall leave astrological predictions to the many others who are better qualified in that respect.
From John Derbyshire, who is a contributor editor of National Review:

AND......... my 3-card tarot draw asking "What do I need to know about 2011 with regard to the world at large?"
The 3 cards that emerged after a good shuffle and cut were a little surprising and a little reassuring. No card from the Major Arcana appeared, which is a prediction in itself really. Nothing terribly good - but nothing terribly bad. Nothing world-shattering in 2011.
The 3 cards drawn:
8 of CUPS
6 of CUPS
With 3 cards like these before the reader it's extra important to focus on context and avoid trite keywordy interpretations. Gotta think in terms of the essence at the heart of the cards' meanings and try to place that in context of the question asked.
Also to be borne in mind is that tarot can, occasionally, throw up an answer which relates to a single specific event, rather than one relating to a span of time, adding another layer of fog to clear when trying to untangle the message.
8 of Cups - traditional keywords: abandonment, moving on emotionally, a journey etc.
The suit of Cups represent emotion (as does element of Water in astrology). The 8s in tarot represent movement but also balance. 8 is an even number, the figure 8 is balanced symbol. The 7s which came immediately before represent aspects of imbalance, so the movement to 8 signifies a search for balance. In the world's current situation never has a search for balance been more crucial! Ecologically and politically EVERYTHING is out of balance. So the first card shows that a moving-on away from what is will indeed occur - somehow or other!
Page or Princess of Wands - odd one to interpret in this context. Wands represent the element of Fire, and creativity. Pages/Princesses are the "children" of the Court Cards. They can represent an actual person, male or female, who will become extra significant in some way in the context of the question - or an atmosphere of creativity, a new innocence (as in the innocence of the young). In our present context I'm going for an interpretation of this Page/Princess as a person who will come to the fore during the next 12 months. A person of great enthusiasm and drive but exhibiting a certain naive tactlessness, carelessness but with plenty of charm and charisma. If this is someone we already recognise, I'd go for figures such as Sarah Palin or Julian Assange.....but in the world at large, not just in the USA/European scene. There will be many more possibilities who would fit the bill, known now or unknown. How about the son of North Korea's Kim Jong Il for instance? Hmmmmm!
6 of Cups -traditional keyword for this card is nostalgia. Cups = emotion, again. The 6s are, like the 8s (and 4s) cards of balance. So in the current context 6 Cups must mean that the effort of 8 Cups to move away from trouble/imbalance has been at least partially successful, but has left some feelings of nostalgia and longing for the past (with all its warts and blemishes?)
An alternative interpretation of 6 Cups, when in tandem with the Page/Princess card (both have a "young" feel to them): this might be an indication of someone who is youngish and has been very significant in the past, returning to take an important place at centre stage - in some area or in some nation, but carrying international significance.
The overall "feel" of the 3 cards together is that 2011 will turn out to be quite an emotional 12 months, with a fairly youthful figure coming to the fore, who will later turn out to be of some significance in the world.

When it comes, where you are:

First, a few predictions picked from writers at the National Review Online, non-astrological of course. I realised, after reading the full list of predictions there from several different writers, that the site is avidly right-wing in orientation. Never mind! The two selections chosen are fairly light, largely non-political, some tongue-in-cheek.
At the end of this post I've added my own 3-card tarot reading for 2011. I shall leave astrological predictions to the many others who are better qualified in that respect.
From John Derbyshire, who is a contributor editor of National Review:
Numerology: People will make a great fuss about 11/11/11.From Jonah Goldberg , an editor-at-large of National Review Online.
Vocabulary: The word “austerity” will be heard a lot.
The culture: Obsessive texting on tiny communication gadgets will become so widespread that at some moment in some daylight hour of 2011, nobody in the U.S.A. will be speaking to anyone else.
Foreign affairs: One country will leave the euro, probably Germany.
China will begin visibly to turn the corner from Wirtschaftswunder to 東亞病夫 (Sick Man of Asia) as all the rising graphs start to flatten out. Environmental degradation, class resentments, demographic cratering, corruption, and fiscal reality will gain ground over resource development, embourgeoisement, entrepreneurial energy, Party authority, and grandiose government projects. Just a beginning, nothing very dramatic: a big-city demonstration out of control here, a local food or water crisis there, some high-profile corruption trials, continuing intractable price inflation …
Leadership: Barack Obama will turn 50, the age at which Confucius said he knew the will of Heaven.
Guantanamo Bay prison will not be closed.
Fidel Castro will die.
Europe’s financial crisis will get far worse. At least one country will actively try to leave the Euro, causing a major political crisis.
China will experience a major economic correction, causing global concern over Chinese political stability.
A rise in global food prices will create an international crisis.
There will be no major international global-warming agreements.
My predictions for 2012 will have a lot more jokes.

AND......... my 3-card tarot draw asking "What do I need to know about 2011 with regard to the world at large?"
The 3 cards that emerged after a good shuffle and cut were a little surprising and a little reassuring. No card from the Major Arcana appeared, which is a prediction in itself really. Nothing terribly good - but nothing terribly bad. Nothing world-shattering in 2011.
The 3 cards drawn:
8 of CUPS
6 of CUPS
With 3 cards like these before the reader it's extra important to focus on context and avoid trite keywordy interpretations. Gotta think in terms of the essence at the heart of the cards' meanings and try to place that in context of the question asked.
Also to be borne in mind is that tarot can, occasionally, throw up an answer which relates to a single specific event, rather than one relating to a span of time, adding another layer of fog to clear when trying to untangle the message.

The suit of Cups represent emotion (as does element of Water in astrology). The 8s in tarot represent movement but also balance. 8 is an even number, the figure 8 is balanced symbol. The 7s which came immediately before represent aspects of imbalance, so the movement to 8 signifies a search for balance. In the world's current situation never has a search for balance been more crucial! Ecologically and politically EVERYTHING is out of balance. So the first card shows that a moving-on away from what is will indeed occur - somehow or other!

An alternative interpretation of 6 Cups, when in tandem with the Page/Princess card (both have a "young" feel to them): this might be an indication of someone who is youngish and has been very significant in the past, returning to take an important place at centre stage - in some area or in some nation, but carrying international significance.
The overall "feel" of the 3 cards together is that 2011 will turn out to be quite an emotional 12 months, with a fairly youthful figure coming to the fore, who will later turn out to be of some significance in the world.

When it comes, where you are: