Renaissance Man: a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas.

Renaissance man ? I guess!!
Peter Weller was born on 24 June 1947 in Stevens Point, Wisconsin at 4.47 AM (Astrodatabank).
Any indication of his multi-talented nature, draw towards sci-fi roles, art, ancient history, jazz?

Ascendant, Sun and Mercury in Cancer connect to Weller's love of history. I'm not clear exactly why Cancer connects to history. It's probably to do with roots. Cancer needs roots, home, family etc. and what is history but a deeper level of that same thing?

Moon in Virgo indicates that he's meticulous as well as versatile - that's a fairly unusual, and valuable combination! Often versatility comes with a need to skim over a variety of interests, studies, hobbies, becoming competent enough to get by in each but without delving too deeply, just enough to satisfy a restless mind. Not so in Weller's case. His Virgo Moon will insist on going all the way in any and all endeavours. He must have felt particularly frustrated by the unplanned, sudden cut-off of showtime's Odyssey 5.

She hasn't plumbed the full depth of her talent yet though. Not content with such incredible success in multiple spheres, Ms Streisand has written and illustrated with her own photographs: My Passion for Design. In addition to her other talents she has become a connoisseur of Art Nouveau furniture and vintage clothing, and has designed and overseen the construction of a luxurious compound in Malibu. Her design notes are said to show that she brought to her design projects the same intense perfectionism that she brought to her movies, recordings and concerts. She has become an expert on the design periods that she’s passionate about, such as Art Nouveau and Art Deco. (See here.)
Barbra Streisand was born in Brooklyn, New York on 24 April 1942 at 5:08 AM (Astrodatabank).

With four planets, including Sun in Taurus - the Earth sign ruled by Venus planet of music and the arts in general, her gravitation to, and talent for, singing is no surprise. These Taurus planets also reflect a love of art... and worldly security.
A quote credited to her: "I can't stand to see red in my profit-or-loss column. I'm Taurus the bull, so I react to red. If I see it, I sell my stocks quickly."
Midheaven point in Capricorn underlines a good business head - her need for, and talent in, obtaining financial security.

Neptune (creativity) in (perfectionist) Virgo is in harmonious trine to the Saturn/Uranus conjunction describing well Ms Streisand's legendary demand for perfection in all her endeavours.
Similarities between the two charts which might relate to Renaissance-ness:
The Pluto conjunction with a personal planet: Saturn in Peter Weller's case and Moon in Barbra Streisand's. Saturn in Streisand's chart is conjunct an outer planet (Uranus). So as we are looking for similarities in career/work styles Saturn is the planet most related, and in both cases Saturn is conjunct an outer planet, adding significance and another layer of meaning. I don't know for sure, that's my own interpretation - but if I discover more well-known Renaissance people I'll check back!
Hmmm - didn't take long! When looking for something else in my archives I noticed a post from 2008 on Shel Silverstein, who I'd called a Renaissance Man-lite; John Lennon was also mentioned there. At that point I wondered whether Fixed Star Alpheratz/Sirrah conjunct a personal planet might have something to do with Renaissance man-ness. However, looking at the chart for Silverstein I see that he had Pluto conjunct Jupiter and Mars! another Renaissance man-type with personal planet conjunct an outer planet. Lennon had a looser conjunction of Uranus/Saturn/Jupiter in Taurus at 25, 13 and 13 degrees respectively. I don't see Lennon as clearly Renaissance-ish as the others mentioned here though - but he might well have evolved that that way.
Mr. Weller aged well--I remember him from one of his more campy films The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension. Also interesting transiting Mars is conjunct his ASC and you have chosen to include him in your post bringing him to our attention. Thanks for another fun and informative post.
GP: --- and she will be remembered foremost as a delightfull Jewish women - from N.Y. that is! As "Funny Girl" also, of course.
PS. Being a Taurus / AS Aries (both initial, primitive signs of the 4 element grouping of signs), must be the reason she is so genuine that no scandals were needed for her to become famous.
Diane ~~ Yes, he's still looking good. I remember the first RoboCop, and recently have seen Odyssey 5. He has "evolved" rather well.
I hadn't realised the transiting Mars/his ascendant connection - my astro-antenna must be plugged in today, without my realising it ;-)
Anonymous/Gian Paul ~~~ Yes, her most memorable role will always be as Fanny Brice. I doubt anyone else could ever play it as well as Ms Streisand did.
She has had a blameless career so far, yes - she's gathered a few grumbles about being a diva - but that's always going to be par for the course for a multi-talented woman in show biz I guess. :-)
Thanks for the posts on these two enormously talented people.
It is a shame that more so-called "stars" don't pursue more diversification.
WWW ~~~ Yes, I agree - but most of 'em are too busy making more and more and more $$$$$$$$$$$ to bother to expand their talents.
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