Around this date, 23 February, in a couple of previous years (here and here) I've rambled on about Roman god Terminus, god of boundaries and his festival, Terminalia, held this day in ancient Rome.
Boundaries...these can be physically marked by borders, signs, guards etc. or psychological and inter-personal in effect. Astrologers have something to say about the latter type of boundary. Saturn is master of boundary-related issues in astrology, while part of Neptune's area of interest covers the dissolving of boundaries. February 23, at the beginning of Sun's journey through Neptune-ruled Pisces, in our 21st century eyes, seems pretty inappropriate timing for celebrating the god of boundaries! Romans marched to a different drummer though, a different calendar and different astrological ideas.
For some astrological theories on boundaries psychological and inter-personal see the following:
We made it through the Oscars last night - not a lot of boundaries crossed there this year. Lots of pretty frocks on the ladies of course, but the guys are so timid about crossing traditional boundaries where their evening "uniform" is concerned. Hundreds of bog standard (though probably horrendously expensive) black tuxedos, bow ties, white shirts, with a smattering of white or ivory tuxedos, one navy blue one (Eddie Redmayne's), one dark red one with matching vest (David Oyelowo who plays MLK in "Selma"); a few black shirts and ties (seems to be the in thing just now outside of formal ceremonies); and a pale blue suit (Jared Leto)- bravo! Late addition: my newest favourite actor, Matthew McConaughey, giving out the last Oscar - for best female actor - sported an elegant metallic pewter tuxedo. Knew he wouldn't let me down by being "ordinary"! Aw..riight!
There seemed, to my ears, to be a boundary when it came to applauding the movie about Edward Snowden, "Citizenfour" when it won an award for...something. I thought the reception very subdued compared to the standing ovations given to "Selma" and "American Sniper". Isn't Hollywood supposed to be liberal to the core? Their liberalness has boundaries, obviously! Maybe, as in the case of "Selma", it'll take 50 years for Snowden's efforts to be fully appreciated and warrant a standing "O". Tsk!!
Music Monday's offering appropriate to ideas of the god Terminus, and boundaries? Hmmm... there's a song I've always liked and its sub-title or alternative title happens to be Exordium et Terminus (which, translated = beginning and end). The song's main title: In the Year 2525 was a 1969 hit by American pop-rock duo Zager and Evans. There's an archived post about it and them here.

For some astrological theories on boundaries psychological and inter-personal see the following:
The 3 Major Ways of Setting Boundaries—Which Type are You? - an article by Dr Brian Grady carried at Donna Cunningham's astrology blog.
Working With Saturn: Internal Boundaries by Hiroki Niizato
Pisces: The Dissolution of Boundaries by Sean at The Clestial Observer
We made it through the Oscars last night - not a lot of boundaries crossed there this year. Lots of pretty frocks on the ladies of course, but the guys are so timid about crossing traditional boundaries where their evening "uniform" is concerned. Hundreds of bog standard (though probably horrendously expensive) black tuxedos, bow ties, white shirts, with a smattering of white or ivory tuxedos, one navy blue one (Eddie Redmayne's), one dark red one with matching vest (David Oyelowo who plays MLK in "Selma"); a few black shirts and ties (seems to be the in thing just now outside of formal ceremonies); and a pale blue suit (Jared Leto)- bravo! Late addition: my newest favourite actor, Matthew McConaughey, giving out the last Oscar - for best female actor - sported an elegant metallic pewter tuxedo. Knew he wouldn't let me down by being "ordinary"! Aw..riight!
There seemed, to my ears, to be a boundary when it came to applauding the movie about Edward Snowden, "Citizenfour" when it won an award for...something. I thought the reception very subdued compared to the standing ovations given to "Selma" and "American Sniper". Isn't Hollywood supposed to be liberal to the core? Their liberalness has boundaries, obviously! Maybe, as in the case of "Selma", it'll take 50 years for Snowden's efforts to be fully appreciated and warrant a standing "O". Tsk!!
Music Monday's offering appropriate to ideas of the god Terminus, and boundaries? Hmmm... there's a song I've always liked and its sub-title or alternative title happens to be Exordium et Terminus (which, translated = beginning and end). The song's main title: In the Year 2525 was a 1969 hit by American pop-rock duo Zager and Evans. There's an archived post about it and them here.
“I think that's the real loss of innocence: the first time you glimpse the boundaries that will limit your potential.” Steve Toltz, A Fraction of the Whole
I think that Pisces season is perfect for celebrating boundaries. You provide Neptune's contradiction of dissolving boundaries, but considering Pisces' co-ruler Jupiter as expansive and stretching boundaries, makes more sense to me. Jupiter in Sagittarius is "don't fence me in!" Pisces is "where is that fence?". Jupiter in Sagittarius is super-consciousness of the individual, in Pisces is supra-consciousness of the universal.
Historically, I've not tuned-in for the Oscar awards, but I did last night as a diversion from Roku-Netflix. You lend a juxtaposition with your comments regarding the Oscars and the ladies' varieties of gowns vs the gents' selection of conforming tuxedos. It requires some daring for the gals to present themselves and I see in this morning's Oscar headlines that many women are being honored for best and worst and the in between. Good thing the guys all wore conforming tuxes, except for several stand-outs. Leto has always worn abnormal (away from the norm) attire...yes, hooray for him.
I also thought the tribute to "Citizenfour" was diminished and barely a proviso toward Edward Snowden, other than Neil Harris' saying that Snowden couldn't be with us tonight.
It's been a while since I listened to "2525"...thanks for the memory. I have my doubts whether we'll make it to 2025...LOL.
And mentioning boundaries, the cold front boundary pushed through here last night during the Oscars. Very cold this AM with light rain, but I suppose it's much colder up north in your yard. I made bread this morning and it's baking as I type...smells extra wonderful in the chill.
mike ~ LOL! Well the Pisces-Neptune-Jupiter thing could be seen both ways (as can much of astrology, come to that, it's astrology's boon and de-devilment!)
Yes some of the female's frocks were gorgeous - I especially liked a few in an uncommon subtle very pale pinkish shade, looked most stunning against dark/black skin - thought maybe some designer had bought a job-lot of sumptuous material in that shade and had designed two or three dresses using it. ;-)
The Ed Snowden thing is rankling with me still. I haven't yet read any reports or comments about the ceremony, been drafting a future post - I must go see whether others noticed the Snowden thing later.
We have a covering of snow - it was still snowing around 8.30am here. We're well below freezing at around 25 degrees, and quarter after noon Brrrr!!
Hey, Twilight, your natal Jupiter in Pisces is currently being transited by Neptune and in a couple of days the Sun, too!!! The Sun in Pisces is in mutual reception with Jupiter in Leo. You should be dissolving like a cube of sugar in very hot coffee...LOL.
I'm deaf in one ear and have tinnitus in both...I missed the "treason":
“'The subject of ‘Citizenfour,’ Edward Snowden, could not be here for some treason,' host Neil Patrick Harris cracked after Poitras finished speaking — to near-silence in the hall."
Read more:
Twilight ~ Boundaries is a good topic, one always worth exploring. Thanks.:)
On the same subject, here's another link I like:
Didn't see the Oscars, never do these days so I can't comment, which doesn't mean I don't enjoy the movies or appreciate the folks who make them possible.
As materialistic as I am (and I admit to appreciating pretty things, good food and creature comforts), I still can't help thinking what a HUGE waste of money it is and how money spent on things like 'goodie bags' might be better spent.
mike (again) ~ Oh yes... ooooh-er! Beware - some very squishy squelchy boundary-less postings coming up this week!
I had meant to mention N. Patrick-Harris's remark - "treason" - but forgot about it when I added the Oscar bits to my post after midnight. At least the audience didn't applaud that!
Some comments under the article you've linked are pretty disappointing. I've just been to Common Dreams, read their piece about the Snowden movie's award, and added a comment - in response to another commenter who had mentioned the "treason remark". Common Dreams has recently installed a new commenting system non-Disqus - had to re-register, now I'm "Annui".
LB ~ We were posting at the same time!
Thanks for the link - the article makes some good points.
I too balk at the thought of those Oscar "goodie bags". That money could be much better spent on, for instance, helping older, non-famous members of the professions involved in film-making, front & back-stage, who might have fallen on hard times or ill health. There's probably some kind of fund for that purpose already, but an annual hefty input to it wouldn't go amiss.
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