In rural Oklahoma, just south of the tiny town of Stratford, a couple of years ago we drove past this piece of very unexpected artwork. My husband took photographs from the best vantage point available, and later put the photograph on his Flickr stream. I posted a photograph of the piece myself at the time, it's somewhere in the archives.
There's not much that is astrological to say about this, except that it is certainly an unexpected sight to encounter in the middle of nowhere - so has to be ruled by Uranus - a wee bit of Aquariana in deepest Oklahoma!

The photograph remained on Flickr, with a few viewer comments, then just last week the artist came forward !
I decided, with husband's permission, to post the photograph with some of the comments. (Link to actual Flickr page. )
I especially enjoy the fact that the artwork is located very close to Stratford, Oklahoma and has inspired one commenter to quote poetry....not poetry by by son of Stratford-on-Avon, Will Shakespeare - but still......
SOME COMMENTS from Flickr (anyjazz = my husband)
There's not much that is astrological to say about this, except that it is certainly an unexpected sight to encounter in the middle of nowhere - so has to be ruled by Uranus - a wee bit of Aquariana in deepest Oklahoma!

The photograph remained on Flickr, with a few viewer comments, then just last week the artist came forward !
I decided, with husband's permission, to post the photograph with some of the comments. (Link to actual Flickr page. )
I especially enjoy the fact that the artwork is located very close to Stratford, Oklahoma and has inspired one commenter to quote poetry....not poetry by by son of Stratford-on-Avon, Will Shakespeare - but still......
SOME COMMENTS from Flickr (anyjazz = my husband)
ed ed In the thumbnail size, I thought it was someone lying on his back with an arm raised... but I think the old tin buildings and the general lack of tidiness make this all the stronger... I wonder, as you must have, about the background...
I like it a lot..
anyjazz Thanks ed ed. Unfortunately there is no way that I can see to get in there and get a different background. It is on an old windmill that sat in the middle of a farm yard. The farm sheds are on two sides of it. There is a deep and overgown ditch just in front of me. I had walked across the road to get under the utility lines at the top but that was as far as I could go. The farm yard gate was closed. I suspect that the owner gets lots of people wanting to get on his property to find a better angle. It is striking to come upon suddenly driving on the country side. It is miles from any town.
This is fascinating. Did the owner create this? It must have cost some money to build, not to mention time. I wonder why he picked this subject?
anyjazz@cornerofthefield: I have no idea who created it. In the large version you can see the words “Welding, Machine Shop, Sand Blasting" on the side of a utility trailer on the left side of the shed. As mommypeace points out, the base is an old windmill. The rest is probably just scrap sheet metal. And a vision. And a hidden talent.
I was surprised that I can find nothing on it with Google except the photo you see here and the one from mommypeace and one on a site called That’s Weird.
There didn’t appear to be any sign of life around and I am not sure I would have approached anyone anyway. I have made it a practice to avoid disturbing these people on rural roads and small towns. I have learned through painful experience that very often these people live in rural areas and small towns because they don’t want visitors. So I will wait for someone else to turn up details.
I have no doubt that information will eventually turn up. Flickr is quite powerful and there are at least two pictures of it here now. It is in plain sight on Oklahoma highway 177 between Stratford and Sulphur, Oklahoma on the west side of the road. Of course, I didn’t pay any attention to mileage or anything technical like that.
I know who built this.
The two men are named Kevin Tyler and Robbie Lunsford. Kevin is an artist who resides in Oklahoma and this sculpture has been featured on many news shows, locally and nationally.
The sculpture has a different meaning to everyone who sees it. That was its purpose. To intrigue and enlighten....
The men who created this work of art are not looking for fame or fortune...Just to add a little beauty to the barren Oklahoma roadside.
I am proud to say that this man is the father of my child, and I pray that my son gets his talent.
Oh my. Your explanation is so touching and so informative. Thank you very much.
I will update the caption.
i am kevin tyler,....i am glad you have enjoyed my work/play,.......if you have specific questions and would like to know what "inspired this",......please ask,........i heard heard many different thoughts and have enjoyed them all,........thanks again,.......
anyjazzThanks for your offer. I am sure there will be some questions. It is excellent work.
"There didn’t appear to be any sign of life around and I am not sure I would have approached anyone anyway. I have made it a practice to avoid disturbing these people on rural roads and small towns. I have learned through painful experience that very often these people live in rural areas and small towns because they don’t want visitors. So I will wait for someone else to turn up details."
...........THAT IS GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!! IN TRUTH!, LOL,....WE ARE ACTUALLY A PRETTY FRIENDLY BUNCH OF GUYS!!!!!!!! (unless we think someone is up to somethin!, then we slam down a few shots of moonshine and grab our guns!!!!!!),............just kiddin man!!!!! i'm still laughin,............
AND A FEW MORE TIDBITS,.......I AM AN ARTIST (AMONG OTHER THINGS),....AND,...IT WAS A "FLUKE" AS WELL,................................LOL,.... ..AS FAR AS THE WHY'S AND HOW'S AND,.............IF YA "RRREEEALLLLLLLY WANNA KNOW?!?!?!?!?", (LOL),......."I'LL BE GLAD TO ANSWER ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS THAT ANY OF YOU MAY HAVE!",.........AND I WILL SOLVE THE "MYSTERY",..........thank you all very much!!!!! i'm glad that you have enjoyed IT!!!!!
................................TAKE CARE, AND "TOKSOON",......hope to hear from you,...........................
anyjazzYou know us city folk. We're always up to something.
Believe me your comments are welcome. We were all wondering. We're certainly pleased to meet you at last.
Could there be future postings on your Flickr stream of other if your work?
I am reminded of the Shelley poem....
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away
Fine quote, fulvue. The best artwork is the artwork that makes one
George Dixon -A lovely shot and for me " a role man can play with nature".
anyjazz -Thanks George Dixon. That's important.
Very intriguing: Art with such a purpose is only found normally in Egypt (the Sphinx) or amongst aboriginies in Australia, maybe the Mayas in Mexico.
Dating astrologically some of the surrounding events might bring about an understanding of the role of the butterfly. Ball is in your court, T.
Gian Paul ~~~ I'm going to wait to see whether the artist offers more detail on the when/how/why.
Perhaps it's best just to accept these unexpected sights, though, without over-thinking them.....a bit like hearing a sudden birdsong on a dull depressing day, or finding a lovely fresh wild flower amid a garbage dump.
In and of itself, T, this is a marvellous story.
I have my own interpretation of this wonderful piece of sculpture and I'm happy with it.
I don't think anything else is needed!
Thanks to you and Himself for sharing this, it is wonderful!
WWW ~~~ Yours is a good - the best - way to think about this unexpected pleasure. :-)
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