I got me a Twitter account a short time ago, but it remained dormant. I've picked it up again to "follow" one or two Twitterers whose tweets I felt might be of interest. I have to say though that I don't feel at all "in the zone" or on Twitter's wavelength yet. Maybe the stars are not aligned for me at present. Mercury, the communications planet is travelling through Gemini - great for communication in general, but not for me in particular. I don't have Gemini emphasis in my natal chart. It could well be a better astro-atmosphere for me when Mercury reaches Virgo in a month or so. I have Mercury hooked up in a Grand Trine with Neptune and Uranus in Earth signs.
I've been reading up how best to use Twitter. There's some good advice around the net. I'll link to a couple of examples at the end of this post, in case a passing reader might find it useful.
Having waded through several helpings of advice though, I still feel.....I don't know....pretty worthless Twitter-wise. Who would want to follow me in 140 character bites? I'll follow a handful of well known people out of curiosity, or to pick up information about upcoming TV shows or concerts, or political rallies. I have no such interesting tidbits to promulgate to the Great Unwashed. Maybe a few potential new blog readers, who could accidentally stumble upon my tweets, would emerge if I were to tweetingly "pimp" Learning Curve on the Ecliptic. But astrology isn't univerally appreciated, and I could get myself labelled as some kind of weirdo, tinfoil hat-wearing twit, when venturing outside of our cloistered astrology-blogging world. (Slapped hands! Re-read your yesterday's post, Twilight!)
I'll continue treading the Twitter waters, perhaps something will occur to me as to how best to proceed - whether 'tis nobler to dive right in... or not.
The Benefits of Twitter for Bloggers
Twitter Tips for Bloggers
How to Get Followed on Twitter(Video)
And interesting views on
Blogs vs. Twitter? It's the Interactivity (blog + comments).
I've been reading up how best to use Twitter. There's some good advice around the net. I'll link to a couple of examples at the end of this post, in case a passing reader might find it useful.
Having waded through several helpings of advice though, I still feel.....I don't know....pretty worthless Twitter-wise. Who would want to follow me in 140 character bites? I'll follow a handful of well known people out of curiosity, or to pick up information about upcoming TV shows or concerts, or political rallies. I have no such interesting tidbits to promulgate to the Great Unwashed. Maybe a few potential new blog readers, who could accidentally stumble upon my tweets, would emerge if I were to tweetingly "pimp" Learning Curve on the Ecliptic. But astrology isn't univerally appreciated, and I could get myself labelled as some kind of weirdo, tinfoil hat-wearing twit, when venturing outside of our cloistered astrology-blogging world. (Slapped hands! Re-read your yesterday's post, Twilight!)
I'll continue treading the Twitter waters, perhaps something will occur to me as to how best to proceed - whether 'tis nobler to dive right in... or not.
The Benefits of Twitter for Bloggers
Twitter Tips for Bloggers
How to Get Followed on Twitter(Video)
And interesting views on
Blogs vs. Twitter? It's the Interactivity (blog + comments).