“They were young; time hadn't yet rubbed at them, polishing their differences and sharpening their opinions...”
― Kate Morton, The Distant Hours

" I grow twins. What's your superpower?"

Husband's caption: "Church of the Holy Grain".
York, Yorkshire, England and York, Nebraska USA.

Grown together, friends forever

Twin TWA "Connies" (The Lockheed Constellation ("Connie") was a propeller-driven airliner powered by four 18-cylinder radial Wright R-3350 engines. It was built by Lockheed between 1943 and 1958.)
The vintage photograph (shown after the video) reminded husband of Charlize Theron, so he tried a morphing process - yep! Twinny!

And, lastly, twins in the news, not born with sun in Gemini - but word of them surfaced in Gemini-time:

The babies were born on May 10 at the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch outside of New Braunfels, but the announcement was delayed because twins often do not survive, said Tiffany Soechting, the ranch's marketing director.
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