On art, music, books, movies, politics, life - sometimes with astrology thrown in.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
With sincere wishes for peace of mind, and a return to normality and comfort soon, to the people of Moore and Newcastle Oklahoma, around 70 miles to the north of us. They have suffered devastating fatalities, the count still rising, and huge losses from a powerful tornado which hit their towns yesterday afternoon. This was the second major tornado to hit Moore, the previous one, equally devastating hit in May 1999. There but for the grace of .....etc! All we had to "suffer" were around 6 hours without electricity due to what I guess was a much smaller tornado landing in open ground a few miles from town.
On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are
A few more storm systems passed over us today but just thunder and lightning with some much-needed heavy rain at our stage - maybe those further east and north will catch worse later. I hope not.
Devastating. And it will get worse. Glad you're okay. I was concerned about you both. It was close enough.
RJ Adams~ Thank you, RJ - that's sweet of ya!
A few more storm systems passed over us today but just thunder and lightning with some much-needed heavy rain at our stage - maybe those further east and north will catch worse later. I hope not.
This whole world is fragile, weakened by the dictatorship of two centuries of capitalism
Chomp - That is the truth!
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