I'm not sure that I can relate the mini rant that follows to astrology, other than to comment that what it complains of might be seen to connect to one, or all, of the following: Virgoan criticism, Saturnian authoritative behaviour, Leonine assumption that they must surely know better than the Great Unwashed, Aquarian assumption that their knowledge and mental acuity is beyond reproach.
Finger-wagging: (see here)
In the last few days I've read articles wagging metaphorical fingers at lefties who are not being supportive of President Obama, threatening not to vote for him come November. I mentioned one piece of finger-wagging by Martin Sheen in Monday's post; another of the most annoying pieces of this type I've seen lately came from Robert Parry, an otherwise well-respected journalist. He had the audacity to suggest that "Such people are vain, preening perfectionists who care more for their own self-righteousness than the fate of the world. Indeed, "leftists" who have refused to support the Democratic candidate - no matter who he is, no matter what he has done - are complicit in all the atrocities perpetrated by Republican presidents since 1968." Luckily, before El Parry's finger wagging morphed into my own head-banging I found an excellent rebuttal from Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque. There's a link to Robert Parry's article within that piece.
Other lefties regularly wag fingers at their hapless fellows for not having had the good sense to see through Barack Obama's 2008 campaign mode, and were naive enough to have voted for him. The Wise Ones, of course, knew all the time what kind of a two-timing politician he really was/is.
Fingers are wagged by many whenever the matter of voting for third parties is raised. Republicans finger wag at all and sundry for not seeing, as they do (with their amazing, almost psychic insight?) that President Obama is a Marxist, socialist and his only aim is to bring down the USA. (Sigh.)
My own body language response to political finger-wagging of all stripes (after head-banging as necessary) ought to be, if I'm to retain any sanity at all, careful inspection of my fingernails signifying boredom and disinterest. Or...heck - if I don't laugh at it all I'll go stark starin' flippin' bonkers:
Finger-wagging: (see here)
The wagging finger of admonition beats up and down as if striking the culprit. This can be with a stable hand and just a finger way. It may also be done with the whole arm, giving an exaggerated striking movement.The internet is full of people wagging fingers at other people. I don't take kindly to being a recipient of finger-wagging, by the way, especially when it comes to my personal beliefs, opinions and choices.
A more polite version points downwards as it beats out an important point, perhaps tapping on something like a table.
The forefinger held up and stationary means 'wait' (perhaps as a threat of being used as a club otherwise).
In the last few days I've read articles wagging metaphorical fingers at lefties who are not being supportive of President Obama, threatening not to vote for him come November. I mentioned one piece of finger-wagging by Martin Sheen in Monday's post; another of the most annoying pieces of this type I've seen lately came from Robert Parry, an otherwise well-respected journalist. He had the audacity to suggest that "Such people are vain, preening perfectionists who care more for their own self-righteousness than the fate of the world. Indeed, "leftists" who have refused to support the Democratic candidate - no matter who he is, no matter what he has done - are complicit in all the atrocities perpetrated by Republican presidents since 1968." Luckily, before El Parry's finger wagging morphed into my own head-banging I found an excellent rebuttal from Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque. There's a link to Robert Parry's article within that piece.
Other lefties regularly wag fingers at their hapless fellows for not having had the good sense to see through Barack Obama's 2008 campaign mode, and were naive enough to have voted for him. The Wise Ones, of course, knew all the time what kind of a two-timing politician he really was/is.
Fingers are wagged by many whenever the matter of voting for third parties is raised. Republicans finger wag at all and sundry for not seeing, as they do (with their amazing, almost psychic insight?) that President Obama is a Marxist, socialist and his only aim is to bring down the USA. (Sigh.)
My own body language response to political finger-wagging of all stripes (after head-banging as necessary) ought to be, if I'm to retain any sanity at all, careful inspection of my fingernails signifying boredom and disinterest. Or...heck - if I don't laugh at it all I'll go stark starin' flippin' bonkers:
"Marriage is sacred" she said."There is something wrong with you if you don't believe that."
"What on earth do you mean?" I say, knowing perfectly well.
"Like God ordained it. You know that, I know that."
"So what is your problem?" I do passive aggressive puzzled really well with another's finger in my face.
"It is not sacred when two men think they can do it."
"How about two women then?"
Wisewebwoman ~~ I hope, hope hope that you said that with a coy come-on-type wink. LOL!
Good research and post!
anyjazz ~~~ Ta!
Other lefties regularly wag fingers at their hapless fellows for not having had the good sense to see through Barack Obama's 2008 campaign mode, and were naive enough to have voted for him. The Wise Ones, of course, knew all the time what kind of a two-timing politician he really was/is.
Why do the words "splinter groups" and "fragmentation" spring to mind, Twilight? Nice choice over there - an ex communist and a mormon. Has anyone considered voting for a third candidate?
James Higham ~~~ Hi! The fact that in some states the only choice is between (as you put it) an ex-communist & a mormon isn't the problem for me - I don't care what they were in earlier life or what they choose to believe by way of religion - I care that both bozos are bought and paid for corporatists and serve only their masters' needs and not the needs of the people who vote for 'em.
Re 3rd party - YES! See my post for today (Friday). Only way to go to get out of the duopoly (eventually, after many seasons of frustration - perhaps).
One of my all-time Python fave raves! Thanx.
Anonymous ~~~ You're very welcome!
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