As I glanced down Wiki's list of births for 16 July, I spotted three female porn stars, two of them even born in the same year, same country! What was it in the astro-atmosphere on 16 July that might reflect this?
Any additional thoughts from passing readers will be gratefully received - I suspect there could be something useful I haven't spotted.
The three women:
Jesse Jane ~ 16 July 1980, Fort Worth, Texas.
Justine Joli ~ 16 July 1980, St. Louis Missouri.
Tina Tyler ~ 16 July 1965, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
I can only trust that these dates from Wikipedia are accurate, Astrodatabank hasn't dipped its toes into the 16 July porn star crop's data as yet.
The two 1980 births stood out, so I searched for other 16 July 1980 births and found no other porn stars, but several male sporting types: Australian golfer, Canadian cricketer, Jaspanese skeleton racer (whatever that is), female weightlifter, Turkish, Kazakhstani and Australian footballers - oh, and on that date a derecho (word I learned very recently due to one of these having occurred this month) in Michigan caused a lot of damage.
From Wikipedia's biographical information on this trio of porn stars it would seem that, apart from their gravitation to become porn stars, their earliest backgrounds have little in common, but later on in life the two born 1980 have described themselves as bisexual.
Jesse Jane: military "brat", cheerleader. In 2000, she gave birth to a boy. Has
described herself as bisexual. In 2004, she stated on the Howard Stern Show that she had a hysterectomy due to now dormant cervical cancer. Married to fellow porn star Rick Patrick 2007-2012.
Justine Joli: In her young days summers were spent between a farm in Hannibal, Missouri and Crested Butte, Colorado. She did ballet from age 3 to age 15.
She revealed on the Howard Stern Show and the Fox News program, Geraldo at Large, that she was molested from age 3 to 10 by three men, one of whom was her grandmother's ex-husband. Two of the three men were prosecuted and incarcerated. Justine has been in therapy since the age of 13. In her late teens, she moved to the Los Angeles area with her mother............................Joli describes herself as bisexual (being "60/40" in her preference toward men and women, respectively).
She is a self described geek with a love of anime, science fiction, Macs and cartoons. She is also into nude sports, naked bungee jumping and naked whitewater rafting. She was romantically involved with porn director D. Cypher for several years.
Looking at the natal charts of Jesse Jane and Justine Joli, without knowledge of their birth times can tell us only some basics.

Apart from zodiac sign Scorpio, 8th house, and Pluto, Black Moon Lilith is what springs to mind when seeking indication of anything related to sex and eroticism in a chart. Black Moon Lilith is a sensitive point in the natal chart, the point of the Moon's apogee (greatest distance from Earth). Two earlier posts on Black Moon Lilith are here and here.
In one of those posts I wrote: "Astrologers who choose to use BML seem to consider its significance to be somewhat negative, based purely on the mythical name it bears. "Lilith": a storm demon, prostitute goddess.... name anything female and negative, and Lilith is it! I'm sticking to my theory that Black Moon Lilith is, if anything at all, another sensitive point in the chart."
I cranked up my astro software to again show Black Moon Lilith's position in these charts. The BML glyph is a thick crescent atop a cross (obtusely, and because I've forgotten how to adjust colours, it came up in red.) I think my software shows the "true" rather than the "mean" position of BML, by the way.
If considering BML as a sensitive point, then any planet conjoining it could take on additional flavours and emphasis - as when a planet falls on one of the angles of a natal chart, or a Moon's node.
In Jesse's and Justine's charts BML falls close to Pluto (planet of passion, darkness, eroticism). Unfortunately, without times of birth we can't say exactly where the conjunction lies, house-wise, angle-wise.
At first glance, without BML, and with times of birth unknown, the charts don't offer much to account for the fact that two women born the same day, same year, same country would channel their energies into what is, after all, a fairly unusual occupation. The Moon's exact degree will not be exactly as shown, but would be in Virgo between 9 and 21 degrees.
Mars is conjunct Fixed Star Zaniah. Eric Morse in The Living Stars says about (Zaniah) a Mercury-Venus-type star:
Born in 1965, 15 years earlier than Jesse and Justine, Tina's chart is quite different, planets more widely spread across the chart - more versatile, wider interests than porn?
Tina Tyler created her stage name by combining the first name of actress Tina Louise and the last name of Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler (LOL!) She grew up with her mother's family in Germany for the first three years of her life. She has said she was "painfully shy" and a bookworm in her childhood. She worked as a shoe salesperson and a receptionist at a modelling agency before becoming a stripper at age 19. She graduated to working as a feature dancer for eight years before entering the adult film industry.
She was married to fellow porn star Tony Tedeschi from 1993 to 1994 another marriage 1984 to 1985 and a third in 1999 . Tyler was diagnosed with skin and breast cancer in the late 2000s. In 2009, after a brief return to the porn industry, Tyler returned to her native Canada to undergo treatments for the cancer, and has said that the prognosis is excellent.

In her case my eye went straight to Saturn opposing the conjunction of Uranus/Pluto, with Neptune in Scorpio linked to Saturn and Sun via trine aspects and Neptune and Sun linked to Uranus/Pluto by sextile. The Grand Trine in Water signs, includes Neptune (illusion) in sexy Scorpio hooked up to Pluto/Uranus (sexy/experimentation) kind of says it all.

NOTE ~~~ Among my archives there's a post on another porn star and her astrology: Linda Lovelace. That post tends to receive "gluts" of hits from time to time, for some unfathomable reason.
Here's a link for anyone interested:
Linda Lovelace - A Star is Porn (groan!)
Any additional thoughts from passing readers will be gratefully received - I suspect there could be something useful I haven't spotted.
The three women:
Jesse Jane ~ 16 July 1980, Fort Worth, Texas.
Justine Joli ~ 16 July 1980, St. Louis Missouri.
Tina Tyler ~ 16 July 1965, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
I can only trust that these dates from Wikipedia are accurate, Astrodatabank hasn't dipped its toes into the 16 July porn star crop's data as yet.
The two 1980 births stood out, so I searched for other 16 July 1980 births and found no other porn stars, but several male sporting types: Australian golfer, Canadian cricketer, Jaspanese skeleton racer (whatever that is), female weightlifter, Turkish, Kazakhstani and Australian footballers - oh, and on that date a derecho (word I learned very recently due to one of these having occurred this month) in Michigan caused a lot of damage.
From Wikipedia's biographical information on this trio of porn stars it would seem that, apart from their gravitation to become porn stars, their earliest backgrounds have little in common, but later on in life the two born 1980 have described themselves as bisexual.

described herself as bisexual. In 2004, she stated on the Howard Stern Show that she had a hysterectomy due to now dormant cervical cancer. Married to fellow porn star Rick Patrick 2007-2012.

She revealed on the Howard Stern Show and the Fox News program, Geraldo at Large, that she was molested from age 3 to 10 by three men, one of whom was her grandmother's ex-husband. Two of the three men were prosecuted and incarcerated. Justine has been in therapy since the age of 13. In her late teens, she moved to the Los Angeles area with her mother............................Joli describes herself as bisexual (being "60/40" in her preference toward men and women, respectively).
She is a self described geek with a love of anime, science fiction, Macs and cartoons. She is also into nude sports, naked bungee jumping and naked whitewater rafting. She was romantically involved with porn director D. Cypher for several years.
Looking at the natal charts of Jesse Jane and Justine Joli, without knowledge of their birth times can tell us only some basics.

Apart from zodiac sign Scorpio, 8th house, and Pluto, Black Moon Lilith is what springs to mind when seeking indication of anything related to sex and eroticism in a chart. Black Moon Lilith is a sensitive point in the natal chart, the point of the Moon's apogee (greatest distance from Earth). Two earlier posts on Black Moon Lilith are here and here.
In one of those posts I wrote: "Astrologers who choose to use BML seem to consider its significance to be somewhat negative, based purely on the mythical name it bears. "Lilith": a storm demon, prostitute goddess.... name anything female and negative, and Lilith is it! I'm sticking to my theory that Black Moon Lilith is, if anything at all, another sensitive point in the chart."
I cranked up my astro software to again show Black Moon Lilith's position in these charts. The BML glyph is a thick crescent atop a cross (obtusely, and because I've forgotten how to adjust colours, it came up in red.) I think my software shows the "true" rather than the "mean" position of BML, by the way.
If considering BML as a sensitive point, then any planet conjoining it could take on additional flavours and emphasis - as when a planet falls on one of the angles of a natal chart, or a Moon's node.
In Jesse's and Justine's charts BML falls close to Pluto (planet of passion, darkness, eroticism). Unfortunately, without times of birth we can't say exactly where the conjunction lies, house-wise, angle-wise.
At first glance, without BML, and with times of birth unknown, the charts don't offer much to account for the fact that two women born the same day, same year, same country would channel their energies into what is, after all, a fairly unusual occupation. The Moon's exact degree will not be exactly as shown, but would be in Virgo between 9 and 21 degrees.
Mars is conjunct Fixed Star Zaniah. Eric Morse in The Living Stars says about (Zaniah) a Mercury-Venus-type star:
"The name must bring a smile to astrologers who often associate Mercury with money and Venus with love, and Ptolemy having put the money first for Zaniyah means "Adulteress" or "Harlot". We have seen how Virgo has had such a reputation in past times, having been Lilith and Ashtoreth as much as more honored ladies like Mary. A little amusement is permitted in reading older books in which the word is either not translated at all, or the authors digress into a learned discussion on whether or not this star belongs to a group once known as the "Kennels", along with the title "little mosque" [for Zavijava], Victorian avoidance of the unmentionable does have its comic side!"Not sure what to make of that!
Born in 1965, 15 years earlier than Jesse and Justine, Tina's chart is quite different, planets more widely spread across the chart - more versatile, wider interests than porn?

She was married to fellow porn star Tony Tedeschi from 1993 to 1994 another marriage 1984 to 1985 and a third in 1999 . Tyler was diagnosed with skin and breast cancer in the late 2000s. In 2009, after a brief return to the porn industry, Tyler returned to her native Canada to undergo treatments for the cancer, and has said that the prognosis is excellent.

In her case my eye went straight to Saturn opposing the conjunction of Uranus/Pluto, with Neptune in Scorpio linked to Saturn and Sun via trine aspects and Neptune and Sun linked to Uranus/Pluto by sextile. The Grand Trine in Water signs, includes Neptune (illusion) in sexy Scorpio hooked up to Pluto/Uranus (sexy/experimentation) kind of says it all.

NOTE ~~~ Among my archives there's a post on another porn star and her astrology: Linda Lovelace. That post tends to receive "gluts" of hits from time to time, for some unfathomable reason.
Here's a link for anyone interested:
Linda Lovelace - A Star is Porn (groan!)
I've done posts on porn myself, T.
'Nuff said.
What an industry both for the purveyors and the viewers.
Interesting take on these 3 ladies.
Uranus in Scorpio got me to thinking and then I came across this interesting link..
Wisewebwoman ~~ It has become an industry; next thing: a corporation will be running it! ;-) If they don't already that is!
DC ~~ Good article, thanks for the link - interesting list of other stuff there too, which I shall enjoy reading.
Perhaps the best way to describe the trio of porn actresses is to look on their generational Scorpio Uranus (Neptune in TT's case) as a kind of background music or the bass notes, with Black Moon Lilith's position (in 2 cases) playing a matching erotic melody.
As I read the piece you linked I recalled that the Uranus in Scorpio period 1975-81 was the time I found several work friends had interest in astrology (I'd been on my own in my interest until then) and we investigated tarot together too. I read up on lots of other occult stuff during that time - so Uranus in Scorpio was, for us, working on a different level but still noticeable. :-)
Haven't laughed so much in a long while. You're not planning anything now, are you, Twilight?
James Higham ~~ Parts of it made me chortle too - the thought of Ms Joli as a "geek" and naked bungee jumping for instance. :-D
Me? Hmmm - I wonder if there's an untapped market for geriatric porn? ;-) LOL! No - I haven't got the boobs for it anyway.
I remember many years ago having a daft conversation with someone about what we'd be willing to do if we were really and truly skint and in need of money for food and shelter. Only thing I could come up with for myself was that I could just about envisage being able to bring myself to take a job as one of those masseurs (with, ahem, benefits). ;-)
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