We saw Ridley Scott's Prometheus on Tuesday. I've been thinking about it and reading up on it ever since! It's one of those layered movies, capable of being watched as either a standard wham-bam sci-fi flick complete with gore and nasties, both alien, human and android/robot. Or....for viewers already immersed in the science fiction genre, watching for "references" to earlier films and characters could be part of the entertainment. Or....for students of mythology, watching for references to the movie's title character - and his story - could be satisfying in itself. Or....for devout Christians in the audience there is yet another layer......and another for people like me, simply fascinated by stories of the origin and creation of humankind, there's more than enough to engage the senses.
Something for everyone!
I must try not to give away anything of the movie's plot here, so as not to spoil things for any passing reader who intends to see it. Enough to say that I read up a wee bit myself before going to see the film, realising that there'd be more to it than would meet the eye. Ridley Scott, the movie's creator, is well-known for hiding threads. I found it helpful to have a few ideas before diving in to the storyline proper. However, I still needed to do more research the morning after! It's that kind of movie.
I enjoyed it a lot, my husband (who is far more versed in sci-fi than I am) declared it "just okay". I'd have enjoyed it even more had there been less gory stuff and more dialogue. To my mind the film was crying out for more good dialogue. Another quibble: some of the characters seemed superfluous and/or under-developed. From what little we were told of them, they seemed like unbelievable types for an exercise of the kind we are to believe they were undertaking.
I loved the basic premise of the movie though. It brought back all the excitement I felt when I read Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods, back in the 1960s. There were echoes of the fiction of Zecharia Sitchen, as well as the ancient myth of Prometheus; not forgetting the Bible: Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. What was that all about?
Reminder: Prometheus, the Titan in Greek mythology who was credited with creating mankind, becoming their benefactor, giving them fire, and being punished by Zeus who resented the extent of Prometheus's aid to humanity. Prometheus was bound to a stake on Mount Kaukasos where an eagle was set to feed upon his immortal ever-regenerating liver (or, according to some sources, heart). He was released generations later by Hercules. (Sketch: Prometheus Bound by Howard David Johnson - 1978)
There are numerous loose ends in the movie, and a few plot-holes. Loose ends will no doubt be dealt with in one or more sequels.
Whichever layer(s) a viewer chooses to access, the movie has a lot to offer. For everyone there are breathtaking scenes using the cream of 21st century technology. My favourite scene of all, represented below, click on it for a larger version - it doesn't transfer to a photograph well. We opted to see the movie in standard 2D, but in 3D this scene must have been even more entrancing.

There's an good article by Paul Saunders on Ridley Scott, and his natal chart at Solaris Astrology.
I can't add a lot to that, but do have a couple of thoughts. Here is Scott's natal chart set for 12 noon.

Honestly -I have to say that it's not the chart I'd expected to see for Ridley Scott in sci-fi mode. But we have no time of birth, and that could make an enormous difference, especially if Uranus were to be on or near the ascendant, or at mid-heaven. Uranus in Taurus is possibly opposing his natal Scorpio Moon (depending on time of birth), which is almost enough, but not quite. I'd want more. Mars in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) is good too.
Remembering that sci-fi is not all Ridley Scott has to his credit, I recalled an old post of mine relating to another of his movies, Gladiator (about as far from sci-fi as one can get!): Russell Crowe & Ridley Scott Fiery Collaborators.
The post mentions several other of Scott's non-sci-fi productions.
So, I realise belatedly that I shouldn't be searching so intently for sci-fi indications, that genre is only one string to this film-maker's bow. According to his remarks in an interview for Esquire magazine Mr. Scott isn't at all interested in space travel for himself. In fact he said "Nothing could interest me less. I'd much rather have a martini and go to a nice restaurant." (Here).
Before closing the post, another astro-related thought:
In an article relating to zodiac sign Aquarius astrologer Dr.Z explains the mythological Prometheus story. He also says this :
Something for everyone!
I must try not to give away anything of the movie's plot here, so as not to spoil things for any passing reader who intends to see it. Enough to say that I read up a wee bit myself before going to see the film, realising that there'd be more to it than would meet the eye. Ridley Scott, the movie's creator, is well-known for hiding threads. I found it helpful to have a few ideas before diving in to the storyline proper. However, I still needed to do more research the morning after! It's that kind of movie.
I enjoyed it a lot, my husband (who is far more versed in sci-fi than I am) declared it "just okay". I'd have enjoyed it even more had there been less gory stuff and more dialogue. To my mind the film was crying out for more good dialogue. Another quibble: some of the characters seemed superfluous and/or under-developed. From what little we were told of them, they seemed like unbelievable types for an exercise of the kind we are to believe they were undertaking.
I loved the basic premise of the movie though. It brought back all the excitement I felt when I read Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods, back in the 1960s. There were echoes of the fiction of Zecharia Sitchen, as well as the ancient myth of Prometheus; not forgetting the Bible: Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. What was that all about?

There are numerous loose ends in the movie, and a few plot-holes. Loose ends will no doubt be dealt with in one or more sequels.
Whichever layer(s) a viewer chooses to access, the movie has a lot to offer. For everyone there are breathtaking scenes using the cream of 21st century technology. My favourite scene of all, represented below, click on it for a larger version - it doesn't transfer to a photograph well. We opted to see the movie in standard 2D, but in 3D this scene must have been even more entrancing.

There's an good article by Paul Saunders on Ridley Scott, and his natal chart at Solaris Astrology.
I can't add a lot to that, but do have a couple of thoughts. Here is Scott's natal chart set for 12 noon.

Honestly -I have to say that it's not the chart I'd expected to see for Ridley Scott in sci-fi mode. But we have no time of birth, and that could make an enormous difference, especially if Uranus were to be on or near the ascendant, or at mid-heaven. Uranus in Taurus is possibly opposing his natal Scorpio Moon (depending on time of birth), which is almost enough, but not quite. I'd want more. Mars in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) is good too.
Remembering that sci-fi is not all Ridley Scott has to his credit, I recalled an old post of mine relating to another of his movies, Gladiator (about as far from sci-fi as one can get!): Russell Crowe & Ridley Scott Fiery Collaborators.
The post mentions several other of Scott's non-sci-fi productions.
So, I realise belatedly that I shouldn't be searching so intently for sci-fi indications, that genre is only one string to this film-maker's bow. According to his remarks in an interview for Esquire magazine Mr. Scott isn't at all interested in space travel for himself. In fact he said "Nothing could interest me less. I'd much rather have a martini and go to a nice restaurant." (Here).
Before closing the post, another astro-related thought:
In an article relating to zodiac sign Aquarius astrologer Dr.Z explains the mythological Prometheus story. He also says this :
Aquarius and Prometheus?
Some astrologers who like associating the differing ruling planets with the mythology of their namesakes are (putting it mildly) a wee bit unhappy, uncomfortable, and disquieted with the naming of the planet Uranus. Richard Tarnas, one of the current "big dogs" of archetypal astrology, seemingly long ago abandoned the crotchety, cantankerous Greek god, Ouranos, for the rebellious Greek Titan god, Prometheus, the "bringer of fire" and friend of humanity.
Maybe a campaign should be started to officially rename the planet Uranus to Prometheus (it might, at least, get more respect that way). Anyway, I can't resist taking this idea just a wee bit further.
You see... the Titan god Prometheus had three brothers: Epimetheus, Atlas, and Menoitios. And each of the four Titan brothers appears to share an affinity with the rebellious, independent energies of Aquarius. Let's, however, for the moment focus on Prometheus and Epimetheus.
GP: One should not forget the `luciferian` side of Prometheus. If he made men of clay, he also brought fire to them - and according to other traditions than the Greek - he himself was made of fire.
That being so, he refused to incline himself before those humans, `just made of clay`...
And men, once addicted to fire, could not let go of that. At a price, of course. Read Goethe`s Faust.
Anonymous/Gian Paul ~~
As you point out there are other myths and legends - and spins on them all - out there. Like religion, these stories can be manipulated to suit the agenda of the teller.
Regarding fire - yes I did mention it was the mythical gift of Prometheus to his created humans.
There's a good movie from the 1980s "Quest for Fire" which offers a more down-to-earth story of how humans acquired fire, and its consequences.
In the movie Prometheus the core story questions "where did humans come from?" Again, like Faust, it's fiction - possibly not very good fiction, but entertaining fiction.
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