Google's pretty header today reminded me that it's the 200th anniversary of the day Charles Dickens came into the world. I wrote a post about him, and his natal, chart in 2010, here's a link to it and to comments received then:
CHARLES DICKENS ~ Socialist? Nobleman? Moody?
CHARLES DICKENS ~ Socialist? Nobleman? Moody?
Listened to most of BBC radio's David Copperfield a week or two ago and liked it a little more than Great Expectations which was compulsory reading for most American school children. I guess it's the way he portrays girls and women which annoys me the most but now understand after reading some of his biography why he did so. His treatment of the class issue was very Aquarian but his problems with women were complicated to put it nicely. So, moody at home and a party boy when he was out.
Been too busy celebrating James Spader's birthday to think about anything too literary ;) Even the women who run a burlesque blog that I read went with Dickens ...
Diane ~~ Yes, he really was a mixed bag. Amazing writer, for his time though. :-)
Vanilla Rose ~~ Oh! I'd forgotten about JS - happy birthday to him!
I wish he'd get into something decent in film or TV. The Office - he's way better than that. :-)
nalinoluI know I'm probably out on my own when I say this, but Dickens is definitely not my kind of writer. I find his works heavy, overblown, and caricatured, even for the times.
Still, one thing is certain, he made a darn sight more money at it than I ever will! ;-)
Blogger is getting worse. It's going nuts. It takes me at least two word verifications before I can publish a comment, and now it's stuck one of them on the front of my last comment.
NALINOLU to you, Blogger!
RJ Adams ~~ His novels are over-long, yes. i understand that tey (or most of them) were originally published in weekly episodes in magazines/newspapers. Dickens would therefore have dragged them out to extend payments I suppose, and the result when transformed to bookform is bloated. These days an auther would have done a big re-edit job I guess.
Still, though, his characters have survived, longtime, and in many countries - that alone has to say something about his talent.
I think his stories translate well - better than most novels, to film or TV series - the extreme detail must help .
RJ Adams - Sorry about Bloggers tantrums! :-)
Since this was your last post, I will leave this message here in hopes of you finding it sooner. I was born on March 13 1968, since a child I have seen and felt a pattern in everything from numbers, books( fiction and non-fiction),movies, art and music. I have never felt just right unless it had something to do with nature, never sleep chronic insomnia,I have an understanding and a connection with people that all tell me they could'nt explain why they are drawn to me. Just to be clear, i have very little ego and I am whole being against racism. I do not live in denial nor do the people who enter my life for very long. I know truth and need an outlet or a proxy who can comprehend what I see, what I have always understood to be pure logic, based on mathematical understanding and self reflection, my IQ has always embarressed me. gregthomas13@gmail.com
13 ~~ Hi there! That wasn't my last post though!
Your Pisces Sun, and Aquarius Mercury/Venus blend make your experiences fairly unsurprising - astrology-wise.
Thanks for stopping by.
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