I thought about the article mentioned (extract follows) when I read a piece at Salon last week : Yes, the PC is Dead. What's Next? I don't think the PC is dead or even on its death-bed yet. It might be feeling its age, but then, aren't we all? In time, though, something will almost certainly supersede computerised communications generally, just as motor vehicles superseded the horse and carriage.
Back to George Dvorsky's article and.....what could (maybe) be next, when PCs (and Macs) do actually become totally defunct.
" (Chuck)Jorgensen and his team (@ NASA’s Ames Research Center) developed a system that captures and converts nerve signals in the vocal chords into computerized speech. It is hoped that the technology will help those who have lost the ability to speak, as well as improve interface communications for people working in spacesuits and noisy environments.
The work is similar in principle to how cochlear implants work. These implants capture acoustic information for the hearing impaired. In Jorgensen’s experiment the neural signals that tell the vocal chords how to move are intercepted and rerouted. Cochlear implants do it the other way round, by converting acoustic information into neural signals that the brain can process. Both methods capitalize on the fact that neural signals provide a link to the analog environment in which we live.As I thought further about this similarity it occurred to me that the technology required to create a technologically endowed form of telepathy is all but upon us. By combining Jorgensen's device and a cochlear implant with a radio transmitter and a fancy neural data conversion device, we could create a form of communication that bypasses the acoustic realm altogether.
I decided to contact Jorgensen and other researchers about the prospect of such "techlepathy." While I have always entertained the idea that we'll eventually develop telepathy-enabling technologies, the optimistic responses I received from these researchers startled me nonetheless. And as I suspected, the technologies and scientific insight required for such an achievement are rapidly coming into focus—an exciting prospect to be sure.
The dream of mind-to-mind communication and the desire to transcend one's own consciousness is as old as language itself. You could make a strong case that there's a near pathological craving for it, a tendency that manifests through the widespread belief in paranormal telepathy.
ESP aside, it seems that this craving will soon be satisfied. Several advances in communications technology and neuroscience are giving pause about the possibility of endowing us with techlepathy. As we continue to ride the wave of the communications revolution, and as the public demand for more sophisticated communications tools continues, it seems a veritable certainty that we are destined to become a species capable of mind-to-mind communication.
This prospect is as profound as it is exciting. Such a change to the species would signify a prominent development in the evolution of humanity—a change that would irrevocably alter the nature of virtually all human relations and interactions. "
The personal computer was overkill to begin with; way too much computing power simply for e-mail, social networking, and music-video-picture storage. The newer devices tap into the PC shortcomings and also allow text and telephone in a portable package. These newer devices are wonderful at allowing each of us to feel important and special, with so much information directed at us - at our fingertips.
Methinks digital technology is antithetical to telepathy. Makes us more of a cog in the scheme of the earthly designer.
The *Homeland Securities* of most industrialized nations have probably been trying to tune in to telepathy for a long time. Think of people and crowd control, secrets revealed, and mastering the future.
Read about a young, clairvoyant girl that did not truly appreciate her gift because she saw too much of the ugly side. She particularly disliked frenemies that said nice things to her but thought the opposite in their minds. We seem to have nil digital etiquette in the real world, so imagine the consequences if telepathy were unleashed upon us cretins. We'd all be dead tomorrow!
Science and technology can be great, but I think it is similar to contemplating a bionic limb versus the real thing. Science-technology can perhaps give us a pseudo-telepathic experience (maybe with an implantable chip in our brain!), but it will always be ersatz and I'm sure it will require batteries!
Hi Twilight - To some extent, there are people who are doing this now, without the benefit of implants and without it being indicative of any particular 'pathology'.:)
I think we're wired for this, although like most gifts, some are more naturally gifted than others. In terms of our evolution as a species, in some ways humans are much like the Borg in Star Trek, largely connected through our technology rather than our humanity - a corruption of our longing to return to a state of wholeness, where each of us is joined through empathy, compassion and a compelling desire to understand and serve something greater than ourselves.
Also not unlike the challenges facing the Borg, our most meaningful connections are formed *willingly* through our higher-minds and hearts (as opposed to groupthink or hive-mind), something which requires the diligent exercise of independent thought and conscience - heads down, obeying orders or pressing keys has created a false sense of connection and dulled our inner guidance systems.
Like Anonymous commented, some sensitives are *so* tuned-in, at times it can be overwhelming and painful. It's a spiritual thing, requiring both mindfulness and surrender. We need both sides of our brain in order to function at optimal levels.
I often encounter people who are unable to clarify, much less verbalize, the underlying issues driving their emotional states. It's a powerfully healing thing to have someone understand and know you without being told.
Speaking of connection, I realized yesterday your Sun is *exactly* conjunct my Moon by 4 minutes; it figures.:) Thanks for another interesting post!
Anonymous ~ You've made some good points, Anon - thanks.
Computers, even home computers, initially were close relations of the computing machines which used to fill huge office rooms, where the atmosphere had to be as carefully controlled as in any sci-fi space ship. I remember those. As the technology developed, smaller units, less sensitive to atmospheres arrived, then even smaller, simpler ones, eventually the home computer, much the same as desktops now, but clunkier, slower. Software developed rapidly too - operating systems improving all the time.
Social networking proper - as we know it now - has evolved during the last 5 years or so, along with the manufacturers' and marketers' skills. I'm not 100% confident that it has been a good thing - though it has a good side, for sure, and it was inevitable - progress never rests when there's money to be made.
Desktop home computers for people who wish to create content, or deal with graphics at quite high levels, as well as commercial/retail record keeping
cannot possibly be replaced by those small hand-held devices. At least for my generation and those one step behind, so until we all shuffle off this mortal coil, I think PCs and Mac desktops will still be around, loved and used, though there'll not be as much money to be made by manufacturers, so they'll quit supporting software I guess. I bet we'll find a way around that though.
Re natural telepathy - yes, I believe it exists in some gifted individuals. It's the manufactured "techlepathy" which could possibly, eventually - perhaps far into the future - replace all our current computing
devices. And, it will carry with it its own set of dangers.
LB ~ I do believe that some of us are wired for telepathy, whether we know it or not, yes. Or....maybe not telepathy exactly, not reading actual ideas, words from another's mind - more like an extra detailed form of empathy. Too much of that good thing, though, would certainly be difficult to handle.
I agree that it's likely a false sense of connection can grow from social networking, which might dumb down any natural gift a person had. Yet, on the other hand, from my first nervous interactions on message boards and such, over 10 years ago, I've felt it quite easy to get a feel, mentally, of people, even more so than when meeting people in person. This is possibly, in my case, because I'm not a social butterfly by any means - not comfortable with people I don't know well....when in person. Just a quirk.
That's interesting LB - the Sun/Moon connection. The astro connection thing is something I've noticed before online - where it's possible to stumble across far more people than in real life - the astro connections stand out, when only minds are involved. It's one of several reasons why I would never totally discount the validity of astrology (I just don't appreciate some of the frills and moss it has gathered).
Technology definitely has its benefits; it can be a great tool that helps to connect us. I use it all the time to research, advocate and communicate, although I'm a holdout when it comes to texting, tweeting and Facebook. I've known quite a few older folks who don't own a computer, let alone a cell phone. Some of them don't even own answering machines.
I just miss the days when things were built to last for longer periods of time and didn't require constant replacement in order to keep up with the latest technology.
LB ~ Yes, I know some people of my own generation who either don't own a computer, or if they do will not use it - some of my old work friends and a couple of cousins in the UK/Europe for instance. I've nobody to network with in the UK for that reason. Christmas cards and letters are the most we can manage.
I think I've reached the edge of my own progress on this front now though. I don't do Facebook, hardly ever do personal e-mails, Use Twitter minimally just for reading mainly. One cellphone between us for emergencies, and a landline - because we're at home a lot of the time. One TV, 2 desktops and a laptop. That's my "edge", and whereas I used to feel a bit avant garde years ago, with my home computer, now I'm back to old fashioned again.
Technology has great advantages though, I'm not about to knock it.
Weather forecasting and radar in that respect is wonderful. We're under Tornado Watch at present and without the weather reporting driven by radar online and on TV I'd be a nervous wreck. They can track within streets almost where the danger spots will be.
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