To make space on my bookshelves I'm offering a bundle of 8 astrology text books to anyone interested in having them. Read or re-sell, take your pick! All but the 2 hardback books are as new and could easily be sold on e-bay or elsewhere.
I will mail the books in a USPS single-price box and pay for postage to anywhere in the USA, if the receiver will pledge to donate an amount equal to, or more than the cost postage, to Elsa at Astro Dispatch. There's a "Tip Jar" on her website, link in my sidebar. Postage cost will be in the region of $12 to $15. While I'd be happy to send the books to an address outside the USA, cost would likely be prohibitive.
If interested please leave a note in the comment section.
The books are:
Chart Interpretation Handbook - Stephen Arroyo (1989). As new soft cover.
The Combination of Stellar Influences - Reinhold Ebertin (1940 - 2004). As new soft cover.
Astrology Karma & Transformation ~ The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart - Stephen Arroyo (1992). As new soft cover.
The Astrologer's Handbook - Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker (1973). Hardback good condition but with a former owner's name stamp.
Astrological Patterns - the Key to Self-discovery - Frances Sakoian & Betty Caulfield (1980). Hardback good condition - with name stamp as above.
The Wildman The Earth and The Stars - An astrology of masculine archetypes - Daniel E. Lorey (1994). Soft cover, as new, but with a dedication on flyleaf.
Do It Yourself Relationship Astrology - Lyn Birkbeck (1999) As new, soft cover.
The Zodiac Within Each Sign (Decanates & Duads) - Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker (1975). Soft cover, slim volume, not strongly bound, glue giving way in places.
I will mail the books in a USPS single-price box and pay for postage to anywhere in the USA, if the receiver will pledge to donate an amount equal to, or more than the cost postage, to Elsa at Astro Dispatch. There's a "Tip Jar" on her website, link in my sidebar. Postage cost will be in the region of $12 to $15. While I'd be happy to send the books to an address outside the USA, cost would likely be prohibitive.
If interested please leave a note in the comment section.
The books are:
Chart Interpretation Handbook - Stephen Arroyo (1989). As new soft cover.
The Combination of Stellar Influences - Reinhold Ebertin (1940 - 2004). As new soft cover.
Astrology Karma & Transformation ~ The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart - Stephen Arroyo (1992). As new soft cover.
The Astrologer's Handbook - Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker (1973). Hardback good condition but with a former owner's name stamp.
Astrological Patterns - the Key to Self-discovery - Frances Sakoian & Betty Caulfield (1980). Hardback good condition - with name stamp as above.
The Wildman The Earth and The Stars - An astrology of masculine archetypes - Daniel E. Lorey (1994). Soft cover, as new, but with a dedication on flyleaf.
Do It Yourself Relationship Astrology - Lyn Birkbeck (1999) As new, soft cover.
The Zodiac Within Each Sign (Decanates & Duads) - Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker (1975). Soft cover, slim volume, not strongly bound, glue giving way in places.
HUGELY interested and I have NO problem supporting Elsa; she's awesome. Email me at carlitobandido@hotmail.com and I'll give you my address. These would help me so much as I hone my skills and try to be like you guys when I finally grow up (31 but still not all the way there yet)
P.S. I am in the US.
Eddie ~~~ I e-mailed you a minute ago. Thanks for your interest, and for being so quick off the mark ;-)
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