Rick Santorum, "dark horse". I had been hoping that honour would go to Jon Huntsman. Santorum really did come from behind (no pun intended re the definition of his surname in the slang or urban dictionaries).
The Republicans' campaign for nomination of presidential candidate has developed in increasingly bizarre directions. Santorum makes Rick Perry seem like a benign, if rather scatty, uncle.....And there I was, a few weeks/months ago, thinking that it was Perry who'd try to lead the USA into Dominionism.
Curiouser and curiouser!
I've avoided looking at Santorum's chart 'til now. What prompted me to do so was remark - almost a throw-away remark, part of a comment on a political website....it went something like this:
Here's Santorum's natal chart, set for 12 noon, in the absence of a birth time. I'm not going to interpret it fully - astrologers have done that already, and their views on it are easily accessible via Google search. I'm looking only for anything indicating some big change in the guy's life, due to happen around 2016.

Most significant indication of change is this: by November 2017 transiting Saturn will reach the exact degree it held at the time Santorum was born - this is known as a "Saturn Return". For Santorum, it'll be the second such event in his life cycle thus far.
In layman's language from Wiki:
Of course, should Mitt Romney (or any other Republican) beat President Obama in November - all bets are off. In 2016 we'd then be waiting for a left-winger (a real one this time) to save the day.
All things considered, astrology aside, I'm leaning towards 4 years of Romney being the better outcome. That would almost certainly ensure Santorum would never get anywhere near The White House in 2016. With a President Romney there'd likely be no discernible difference from the last 4 years with President Obama, but the Democrats might start opposing stuff that Obama would have managed to get away with free and clear - that alone could make a President Romney worthwhile! Then, come 2016, with The People more awake than ever after continued efforts by The Occupy movement, the road would begin to turn sharply towards that real time of revolution and reform(hopefully bloodless) that I reckon will be due in or around 2025.
The Republicans' campaign for nomination of presidential candidate has developed in increasingly bizarre directions. Santorum makes Rick Perry seem like a benign, if rather scatty, uncle.....And there I was, a few weeks/months ago, thinking that it was Perry who'd try to lead the USA into Dominionism.
Curiouser and curiouser!
I've avoided looking at Santorum's chart 'til now. What prompted me to do so was remark - almost a throw-away remark, part of a comment on a political website....it went something like this:
...even if Romney cannot steal the White House from Obama in 2012, Santorum will be the Republican frontrunner in 2016 and it will be their turn.....Bearing in mind the pendulum-swing effect which is commonly a part of electoral patterns, and because Santorum, barring any bad slip-ups in the future, will have a feather in his cap for doing so well in this campaign......need I go on?
Here's Santorum's natal chart, set for 12 noon, in the absence of a birth time. I'm not going to interpret it fully - astrologers have done that already, and their views on it are easily accessible via Google search. I'm looking only for anything indicating some big change in the guy's life, due to happen around 2016.

Most significant indication of change is this: by November 2017 transiting Saturn will reach the exact degree it held at the time Santorum was born - this is known as a "Saturn Return". For Santorum, it'll be the second such event in his life cycle thus far.
In layman's language from Wiki:
In astrology, the Saturn return is an alleged phenomenon which is described as influencing a person's life development at 27 to 29 or 30-year intervals. These intervals or "returns" coincide with the approximate time it takes the planet Saturn to make one orbit around the sun, i.e. 29.4 years. It is believed by astrologers that, as Saturn "returns" to the degree in its orbit occupied at the time of birth, a person crosses over a major threshold and enters the next stage of life. With the first Saturn return, a person leaves youth behind and enters adulthood. With the second return, maturity. And with the third and usually final return, a person enters wise old age. These periods are estimated to occur at roughly the ages of 28-30, 56-60 and 84-90Although November 2017 is a year after the 2016 General Election, I still see his Saturn Return as significant in this context. I recall reading that Saturn Returns can be "felt" a year or so before and after Saturn hits one's exact birth degree. The indication of lifestyle change could manifest in a number of ways, connected or unconnected with his political aspirations. It'll be interesting to watch what happens.
Of course, should Mitt Romney (or any other Republican) beat President Obama in November - all bets are off. In 2016 we'd then be waiting for a left-winger (a real one this time) to save the day.
All things considered, astrology aside, I'm leaning towards 4 years of Romney being the better outcome. That would almost certainly ensure Santorum would never get anywhere near The White House in 2016. With a President Romney there'd likely be no discernible difference from the last 4 years with President Obama, but the Democrats might start opposing stuff that Obama would have managed to get away with free and clear - that alone could make a President Romney worthwhile! Then, come 2016, with The People more awake than ever after continued efforts by The Occupy movement, the road would begin to turn sharply towards that real time of revolution and reform(hopefully bloodless) that I reckon will be due in or around 2025.
Hi! Interesting! My gut (political) feeling says that Obama will pull through because of the inherant unelectability of any GOP candidates. But what would astrology say about Jeb Bush for 2016 when perhaps a "real" Rebublican candidate would stand a better chance?
I think most of Santorum's very conservative beliefs would scare most Americans away. But that's just my opinion.
As for Obama being re-elected, I strongly suspect -- with the lag in fundraising (don't believe what the campaign says; they're finding a lot of wallets closed this time around -- and his inability to gather the necessary strong support from women and independents, we may see an unprecedented switch of VP candidates, since Biden has been basically MIA during the last 4 years and brings little to the table voting-base-wise. He'll rope in one of the most popular Dems, Hillary.
Regardless, it'll still be closer than it should be. Oh, and Mercury is stationing Retrograde on Election Day just as it did in 2000. Wonder if Obama will be busted for Chicago-style politics?!?!
David Macadam ~~ Hi! Yes, I suspect that the bookies would agree, re Obama managing a win in November, as things stand at present - and if there are no major events in the meantime....
E.g. There's the idea of a brokered convention (it'd happen if no candidate has clear dominance). It is being mentioned more and more. I'm not too clear on what this entails, but apparently other names can be added to the brew of candidates if this eventuality were to come to pass....Jeb Bush?
But supposing we have 4 more Obama years, then the public pendulum swings right(er), I suppose Jeb Bush, if willing, would be in the Romney position as moderate with Santorum leading another pack of ultra-righwingers. Bush would likely garner better support than Romney has managed, but I think the right-wing of the party would still be trying to gain the upper hand.
Astrologically, I don't see anything especially clear indicating big changes for Jeb Bush around 2016.
There's more indication of something unexpected nearer to the present, from around now until 2013 when transiting Uranus in Aries will be in the region of his natal Venus and Mars at 3 and 9degrees Aries. Uranus represents "the unexpected change"......back to possibilities of brokered convention?
I skimmed a couple of astrologers' thoughts on Jeb Bush's chart - one of them was of the opinion that his political aspirations are more or less worn out. Another, a Vedic astrologer using different (Eastern) methods did think that if he is to come to prominence in politics it'd be around 2016.
kicksotic ~~ I hope you're right about Santorum 2012, and in regard to certain areas of the country I'm sure you are! They'll already have him marked as unelectable.
If there's a change of VP for O it'd have to be soon. I seem to remember hearing Obama say something along the lines of "It'll be me and Biden again", some time ago - but before he'd have seen the way things have developed.
I think it would take something pretty important to persuade Hillary to be his VP,
he might do better roping in a more left-wing Dem to appease some disaffected progressives. Russ Feingold or Alan Grayson - though I don't think he much likes the latter - too outspoken!
There's a way to go yet. This time around, with all the crazyness, I think the saying is true: anything can happen.
GP: Happy to see that your "donkey-computer" is up and running again!
As for Santorum, Moon in Aquarius today, plus "donkey running again", I have the impression that you "went out on a limb", T...
Would still wait for the toughest Sheriff's verdict. Reading Putin's Pravda - (in Enlish, s.v.pl.) the Russians teamed up with Trump. And that guy must have some true motivation. No chance to be electable as Potus, but his roots are Germanic...
PS. Re. Green Brazilian snakes: They are beautifully made, very agile and awfull indeed for the birds: Stay in wait over a nest, catch the breeding parent, gobble up the eggs and continue waiting for the other bird parent to turn up as well!
Similar to that "toughest sheriff", who kows?
Anonymous/Gian Paul ~~ Computer is running pretty well so far - the donkey has less of a burden on its back with a load of extras now gone, + working with a heavier anti-virus program than I've had so far. It should last me a while longer, fingers crossed!
Santorum's successes so far , to me seem almost surreal, given his early 20th century stances on many issues.
I don't know much about Trump - I see him as just another filthy-rich buffoon, but you might be right - he could be up to something.....a bit like those green snakes of yours - waiting to pounce.
Virtually all the Santorum success has been in southern states where seven out of ten voters are evangelical Christians. (Who the hell else would vote for him!) I think he'll fade again before long. I'd like to see him win the nomination. It would secure Obama for a second term. But it won't happen. Romney will be the nominee. It's already been decided by those who decide these things, and that's not the voters. Romney will make a terrible president. He's already said he'll close down Planned Parenthood, and Republican states like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Virginia are in process of enacting laws that will immunize doctors from legal action if they lie to pregnant women about the health of their unborn child to prevent the mother having an abortion. Romney would almost certainly approve of that stance.
It'll be interesting to give Obama a second term, just to see how he behaves when he's not facing another election. Not that I think he'll do any good, but if he continues with his right-wing fraternizing it'll help turn the country against both parties, and that can only be good for your 2025 revolution - or, sooner?
RJ Adams ~~ Your'e right, Santorum will falter once out of The South.
Romney doesn't give me the shivers nearly as much as he does, and if by some chance he were to become president he'd have the kind of stiff opposition from house and Senate Dems (I hope) that Obama has faced from the Republicans, so he might not be able to get any nasty progs passed - works both ways, I guess!
I'll be more worried about 2016 if Obama sneaks a 2nd term, due to the pendulum effect. But, as you say, it'll be interesting to see how O proceeds, and his apologist base's reaction to that- if not as hoped for.
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