The website of Dr. Daniel Sewell Ward, Library of Halexandria contains pages and pages of fascinating information and ideas about the mystical, mysterious, hidden elements of life, history, religion, and other stuff, including astrology. There are sections on more down to earth subjects such as Discrimination, Common Sense, Education, etc. All is written in plain language spiced with humour. The Site Map is the best place to start and gives an indication of the scope of this amazing resource. Dr. Ward provides thousands of click-through links which can set you off on a long magical mystery tour, often causing you to forget what it was you were looking for in the first place!
I cannot recommend a visit to the Library of Halenxandria highly enough. Best first stop is the Site Map from which you'll see the vast variety of topics, mystical, scientific and mundane covered by Dr. Ward.
For the purposes of this post I'll concentrate on Dr. Ward's Astrology section:

Dr Daniel Sewell Ward is a scientist who does not try to discredit astrology, and therefore added to my shortish list of Good-Guy Scientists. He takes the same stance as Sir Isaac Newton did when he was asked how in the world he could believe in astrology: "I have studied the subject, Sir. You haven't."
Here are a few brief lines from the extensive section on astrology:
About the author (photo and more HERE) ~~
This postscript is probably quite unnecessary, I'm certain most passing readers will be aware of the source of the name of the website reviewed above: The Library of Alexandria.... if not, for full information see: Library of Alexandria Discovered by Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor ~~
I cannot recommend a visit to the Library of Halenxandria highly enough. Best first stop is the Site Map from which you'll see the vast variety of topics, mystical, scientific and mundane covered by Dr. Ward.
For the purposes of this post I'll concentrate on Dr. Ward's Astrology section:

Dr Daniel Sewell Ward is a scientist who does not try to discredit astrology, and therefore added to my shortish list of Good-Guy Scientists. He takes the same stance as Sir Isaac Newton did when he was asked how in the world he could believe in astrology: "I have studied the subject, Sir. You haven't."
Here are a few brief lines from the extensive section on astrology:
Astrology has been around for a very long time -- literally thousands of years before what currently passes for science. But in the spirit of the angry (and or spoiled) child, science has vilified astrology, to the point where one might be tempted to doubt astrology’s reality. The fundamental flaw, of course, is that so much of science does not recognize anything outside of its very narrow basis, including such things as Consciousness -- the basis of intelligent life -- and the influence by geometry on experiential aspects of life. Science, in fact, does not accept anything for which it does not have a consensus theoretical basis (everything else is anomalous behavior, which is routinely ignored until a consensus theory is promulgated). Science has applied reductionism to such an extent that science can truly not see the forest for the trees -- truly the mote in science’s eye.
About the author (photo and more HERE) ~~
Daniel holds (there's not much else to do with it) a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the University of Texas at Austin, as well as a Bachelor of Engineering Science from the same university. He is the author of over one hundred and fifty technical and semi-technical articles in a variety of scientific journals, magazines and conference proceedings, and has been doing research in a wide diversity of scientific disciplines and esoteric subjects for over three decades. (Actually longer, but he's trying to think young.) These subjects include nuclear and elementary particle physics, solar energy (including building the world's first solar heated and cooled house), the economics and politics of alternative energy systems, Zero-Point Energy, Cold Fusion, Sacred Geometry, ancient history, goddess-related topics, Hyperdimensional Physics, the enigma of Crop Circles, and the list goes on and on. As a true synergistic generalist, Dr. Ward is also a teacher, prolific writer, theoretical and experimental researcher, futurist, and unrepentant humorist (specializing in puns).
This postscript is probably quite unnecessary, I'm certain most passing readers will be aware of the source of the name of the website reviewed above: The Library of Alexandria.... if not, for full information see: Library of Alexandria Discovered by Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor ~~
"Alexandria was a major seat of learning in ancient times and regarded by some as the birthplace of western science.....".
Yes, it has quite a history, not only mystic.
H'm, T. I perused the website and found his writing a little clunky (?). Maybe it has the feel of an amateur - not necessarily a bad thing but heavy handed when it came to me moving around.
Interesting though, I should add. :)
James higham ~~ Indeed!
Wisewebwoman ~ I found that to be part of its charm though WWW. I enjoy that informal, rather quirky style myself.
I think maybe the amount of material there makes the site itself a wee bit over-complex.
The site is a long-standing one, updated frequently, but has kept its original "shape" over the years, with add-ons, new links, etc etc. contributing even more to its complexity.
I came across this website earlier in the year and found it had some quite fascinating article.
Cherry Pie ~~ Hi there!
Yes, there's so much and it's so varied - just like wandering around a real library. :-)
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