Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh no! "Posh" Spice is here!

I wonder what America will make of Victoria Beckham. I thought I'd exchanged "Posh" and her razamatazz in the UK media for Paris Hilton and Britney Spears when I moved to America. Now I discover I'll have to shield my eyes from three directions!

Jeff Jawer wrote a profile of Victoria, aka Posh Spice, aka Mrs David Beckham, HERE.

I note from other sites that her birth time might be in question. That's not surprising, birth time is not recorded on birth certificates in the UK, so many folks have only a vague idea what time they were born. Astrotheme has a "time unknown" 12 noon chart. Astrodatabank is wisely silent on the matter. Some websites say she was born in Harlow, Essex, others in Hertfordshire. I don't think this matters a lot chart-wise, there are not too many miles between the two locations.

I've set up the chart for Harlow, Essex at 12 noon.

Jeff Jawer has things pretty well covered, of course. I'll just add that Mrs Beckham has no planets in Earth signs in her natal chart - perhaps her feet, and ideas, are not anchored too firmly to Mother Earth - even so, flights of fancy have been turned into reality in her case. She has a dream lifestyle many would envy (not me!) Mercury is trine Neptune and Venus/Jupiter is square that planet of dreams, as Jeff Jawer pointed out, these aspects are significant in a lifestyle such as Mrs Beckham's.

Mercury in Aries and Venus/Jupiter in Pisces are semisextile - as I mentioned last week, I find that a tricky aspect to get to grips with. Aries and Pisces are so dissimilar, yet there's that connection between them - which can result in a life-long anomaly. In Mrs Beckham's case, the anomaly may be a very useful one professionally, bringing drive and ambition to her more dreamy side. The Pluto/Mercury opposition will add yet another facet, possibly making the anomaly even more noticeable to those who know her well. We can't really even surmise about her true personality, the one the world never sees.

Natal Moon at 12 noon is in Aquarius. With a birth time of 5pm or later though Moon would have moved into Pisces. The 12noon Moon forms a lovely Air Grand Trine with Mars/Saturn in Gemini and Uranus in Libra - but somehow I don't think that fits. Victoria Beckham may be a sharp lady, but not THAT sharp (for instance she didn't grasp that many Americans do not appreciate ironic humour, and her spoof documentary about her lifestyle did not go down well - see HERE). I wouldn't be at all surprised to find her natal Moon in Pisces, along with Venus and Jupiter.

You know, I think old "Posh" might eventually fit in well in California, she was made for that lifestyle. Had she been deposited in Oklahoma though - well, that's another matter entirely!

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