Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bonnie and Clyde

There's a good piece about this notorious pair at Crime Library. I'm borrowing a few extracts, and adding my thoughts in an effort to see whether we can observe astrology at work. My comments are in blue italics.

The double chart is for 12 noon, as neither birth time is known. The inner chart is Clyde's, outer Bonnie's.

"Bonnie and Clyde were meant for each other. And they clung to each other while they fought back against the elements. (See their natal Venus placements - right opposite one another at 24 Pisces and 23 Virgo, and their Suns opposite at 3 Aries and 7 Libra)

They were children of a nationwide economic depression ......

(There's no doubt that Clyde was the leader, Bonnie the follower )
An anger dwelt within Clyde, having been born ragged and made more ragged by the Depression.(See his natal Mars conjunct Uranus - Mars must signify his anger at perceived wrongs to 'ordinary' people (Uranus) His Mars and Saturn, two "heavy" planets are in mutual reception, Mars in the sign ruled by Saturn (Capricorn) and Saturn in a sign ruled by Mars (Aries) probably adding devastating strength to both planets. In my software's section on "Lilly Strengths", which shows one way of calculating planetary strength, devised by William Lilly an astrologer of the distant past, Mars' strength goes right off the chart!

He sometimes killed in cold blood, and always tried to justify the murders as if he had a right to pull that trigger, thus releasing somehow the seething that built up like a volcano deep inside him. (Natal Pluto within a few degrees of his North Node(sensitive point in any chart) This may have pointed him towards his imagined "path in life" - a path of death. Jupiter in Virgo opposite Mercury in Pisces - in mutual reception (both trine or sextile Neptune in Cancer)were sure to have bestowed an over-active and exaggerated imagination, which, with hindsight, amounted to a death-wish. Bonnie had natal Jupiter opposite Neptune)

Perhaps he actually believed in his own special privilege. As the fame of Bonnie and Clyde grew, they shot their way out of police loops, each time growing tighter and tighter, and claimed that the "laws" they killed just happened to get in the way between their fiery outcry and the rest of the country. Their killings were not personal, they contended. But, the government took them personal. And Bonnie and her man were marked for death.

Depression had lowered a hideous shroud over the nation. The American Dream collapsed along with Wall Street in 1929.

Historian Jonathan Davis, in an excellent A&E Cable Network-produced Biography on the two bandits, says of Bonnie and Clyde’s crimes, "Anybody who robbed banks or fought the law were really living out some secret fantasies on a large part of the public."

Even more than their insurgence against their status in life was Bonnie and Clyde’s devotion to their own. With police and government detectives constantly on their trails, sometimes literally by inches, they time and time again risked their own lives to protect the other. Says Marie Barrow, Clyde’s sister, in Biography, "They never worried about anything else but each other." (Bonnie's natal Mars is only a degree away from her Sun, indicating an anger equal to Clyde's, though it's said that she never carried a gun herself.)
In their getaway cars, Clyde and Bonnie habitually carried a Kodak box camera; they loved to pose in dramatic tableaux wielding shotguns and revolvers, self-parodying the gangster image they realized they had earned. More than that, they loved to pose together, embraced or kissing, having other gang members do the snapping. When they died, the police found an undeveloped roll of film under their car seat -- photos of them together, looking adventurous and deeply in love. (They seemed to be living out a game - nowadays folks do this with more safety to themselves and others, via computer games !).

They knew they were going to die, maybe next week, maybe next month. Maybe in the morning. "

On 23 May 1934 the two died when government agents ambushed their car. On that date Pluto had moved to 22 degrees Cancer, and lay opposite their natal Uranus, in Clyde's case Uranus/Mars conjunction. It seems to me that their days must have always been numbered by this transit of Pluto, the great cleanser.


  1. How freaky. I use this couple as an example of the soldier and I and we have Virgo/ Pisces opposition and Aries / Libra.. very near those degrees. :-)

  2. Ooh, that was creepy yet excellent reading.

    I've nominated you for the Creative Blogger award for being the most interesting astrology blog I've found. :-)

  3. Elsa
    Ooooh-er! You two should stay well away from banks - do you hear? ;-)

    Awwww - you are too kind! I'm shocked... but flattered and honoured. Thank you so much.

    Creativity hadn't been to the fore in my life really, until I started blogging. It's fun, instructive and I love doing it. Whether anyone reads it is a bonus - and this is an even bigger bonus.
    Many thanks, once again.
