Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ed Harris and Jackson Pollock

Ed Harris born 28 Nov 1950 Tenafly, New Jersey

A maverick artist and an actor/director born a generation apart. The actor/director brilliantly portrayed the artist in a self-directed movie.

Jackson Pollock born 28 January 1912, Cody, Wyoming

Ed Harris starred in and directed the movie "Pollock" in 2000. It's said that Harris's father once bought his son a book about Jackson Pollock because he felt that Ed bore a strong resemblance to the painter, perhaps this was the start of the actor's apparent fascination with this man.

Jackson Pollock's art is very much an acquired taste. From biographical notes, and from the movie, it appears that Pollock was "poster boy for Aquarius Sun"! His natal Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius is very close to his Sun - it's just barely in Capricorn - in the last minutes of the sign, and his Sun is at 7.31 Aquarius - close enough to combine forces with the sign's ruler, I'd wager! Pollock was never satisfied with the status quo, always trying for something different. I used to think of those later Pollock works, the paint splatter ones, as a cynical money-grabbing exercise. I changed my mind, after seeing one or two originals on visits to art galleries. There's a lot of skill involved - more than one might initially appreciate. These pieces have a regular "rhythm", yet Pollock danced around his canvas on the floor, slinging paint hither and thither in seemingly random fashion - yet the finished product looks somehow planned - the colour distribution, the clever choices and mixes of colours. This one is entitled "Lavender Mist"

It seemed logical to me that the actor/director would need a deep understanding of the character he was to portray, and that somewhere in the natal charts of these two people there'd be a link.

There is.

So where is the astrological link between these two - the actor who seemed to understand this oddball character so well, and his subject? I felt sure there'd be a connection. If we had birthtimes for both men there would quite likely be more links to note.
(The inner chart is Jackson Pollock's, the outer that of Ed Harris.)

Pollock's natal Venus lies at 9 Sagittarius Ed Harris's natal Jupiter at 9 Sagittarius (conjunct).
Ed Harris's natal Venus is at 28 Sagittarius Jackson Pollock's Jupiter at 29 Aquarius (sextile)
Their natal Suns are at 7 Aquarius and 5 Sagittarius (sextile)

These Venus/Jupiter and Aquarius/Sagittarius connections must surely have much significance here, even without quoting cookbook interpretations. These might fit, but for me they're superfluous. The "feel" of a connection is there. I reckon that astrology is stranger than anybody realises - stranger even than Jackson Pollock.

Here's a link to one of several YouTube offerings on Jackson Pollock. This one shows Jackson Pollock himself at work and explaining his methods. JACKSON POLLOCK

For a good biography and examples of his work, see HERE
Pollock died in 1956 in an alcohol-related car accident.


  1. I often wondered whether anybody but me saw that movie, much less liked it. Good for you! It did seem like the actor performed a work of art as much as the painter performed his. Very eeirie.

  2. Hi Ron

    Yes, it's a pity that the movie isn't better known. Ed Harris gave a fine performance and it's a good movie and fascinating tale.
    Mauybe we Aquarians were drawn to see how another of "our own" lived. :-)
