Monday, July 16, 2007

Memory - Digital and Human

At the weekend we upgraded my computer's memory, known to geeky types as RAM, I think. HeWhoKnows manfully donned an anti-static wrist strap to plumb the depths of my trusty Dell.

256MBs of memory had proved adequate for my modest needs until I started mucking about with Windows Movie Maker, and wondering about more software for the future. Delly now boasts a big 2 GB. HWK carefully inserted two new memory sticks, obtained via the internet, et voila ! My computer gives a quicker, cleaner and crisper performance than ever before!

I got to thinking about human memory, and turned to astrologer C.E.O. Carter's Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology to see what he had to say about it:

"Memory depends chiefly upon Mercury. If this planet is strong, especially in fixed signs, the memory will be good. The Moon and Cancer should also be considered; they often bestow a very retentive memory if strong; and attention should be directed to the third house........Mercury afflicted by malefics in cadent houses or mutable signs generally impairs the memory and a strong Pisces element in the nativity often has the same effect."

I've read elsewhere that Cancer can bestow a retentive memory, I'm lucky enough to have one, so perhaps I should thank my Cancer ascendant for it. I'm not convinced that the ascendant sign is mainly involved in "how others see you and how you see the world" - I've come to the conclusion, from experience and observation, that the rising sign simply becomes part of the personality mix, the recipe - colouring, augmenting and modifying other factors. My natal Mercury, strong near the descendant angle in organised Capricorn, is likely to be helpful to memory too.

HeWhoKnows has Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Saturn - and he is pretty absent minded and forgetful. C.E.O. Carter nailed that one! I have to say though, when it comes to remembering anything connected with jazz HWK is amazing. He might not know what day it is, or even what month, or what he had for breakfast, but he knows who's playing trumpet and who's on piano, etc. the minute he hears a piece of jazz !

Perhaps one day humans will be able to go to the store(or hospital),for new memory sticks to upgrade what Mother Nature bestowed. That'd be fun!


  1. Hi Twilight! Thanks for tagging me, I still don't know how to 'tag' people, or even post links to my blog...but it's coming!
    I hope you had a good weekend


  2. Me neither, Chrispito, it was my first time - lol!

    Re links - I had problems for a long time, but after other bloggers patiently explained how to do Blogger links, the penny eventually dropped.

    You need to copy the URL of the site you're linking to by highlighting it and doing Control+C. Then, on your blog entry, highlight the word you want to use as a link.

    Next, click on the little greenish icon which looks like a box with two eyes, at the top of the Blogger composing screen - a popup box will open, and that's where you paste the URL you had copied. (First getting rid of the "http" already there.)
    That should transform the word(s) you'd highlighted into a hyperlink.

    (I opened a spare blog to use just for trying out stuff like this - it's been really useful.)
