Monday, July 09, 2007

Chris Cooper, aka "What's-his-Name"

Chris Cooper is one of those actors whose face many people used to immediately recognise but couldn't easily put a name to. I first remember him as "July Johnson" in the wonderful TV series "Lonesome Dove" - Larry McMurtry's epic tale of the Old West. I fell in love with this tale, watched recordings of it over and over again. How appropriate that Chris Cooper was actually born in July, presumably like the character he played so well.

It's his birthday today!

I'm pleased that in more recent years Chris Cooper's name has become better known, due to his brilliant portrayals in films such as "Adaptation"(for which he got an Oscar for his supporting role), "Seabiscuit","Breach" "The Horse Whisperer", and several others.

Mr.Cooper is not the starry type. You don't see his face in the tabloids, his name will probably never be a household word. He is said by some commentators to be "an actor's actor". For me, whenever I see his face on screen it's like bumping into an old friend.

Born 9 July 1951 in Kansas City Missouri. No birth time available. (12 noon chart shown).

It's no big surprise that he remains out of A-list razamatazz. The main thrust of Chris's chart comes from Cancer and Virgo planets, a combination which, when strongly featured, is more likely to produce a low-key, somewhat withdrawn and reticent personality, rather than a flamboyant movie star image.

I enjoy looking for reports of interviews with people I'm trying to write about astrologically. Very often I find snippets which exactly describe what can be seen in their natal charts.

"CHRIS COOPER wants to do good work, not make friends.
Becoming famous is not nearly as important to Chris Cooper as doing it right. That single-minded devotion to detail (VIRGO) has served the 56-year-old-- who seems just as perpetually concerned (VIRGO) in person as he usually does onscreen -- well in his career, which includes more than 40 films."

"There is often a stark contrast between an actor's real personality and his onscreen persona. Fortunately, this does not hold true in the case of Hollywood's "Mr Nice Guy" Chris Cooper. If the testimonies of his movie peers are anything to go by, the earthy, kind-hearted roles(VIRGO/CANCER) Chris is known for are very much a reflection of his own character." (SEE HERE)


"I like to do one job at a time, go home , spend some time with the family (CANCER), and eventually a script will come my way. " (HERE)

Sun, Uranus and Mars in Cancer, Venus, Moon and Saturn in Virgo (Moon's degree uncertain, as birth time is unknown). There's an opposition between Jupiter and Neptune, with squares between his Sun/Uranus conjunction and these two planets. I've searched the cook-book interpretations for inspiration about these aspects, but none of them satisfies me. I get the feeling that many are based on observation of one (or maybe two) characters known to the author. This isn't always helpful. In interviews Chris Cooper often talks about the importance of imagination(Neptune) - I'd guess that in his case these squares and the opposition act as a kind of dynamic motor, driving the imagination, led by Neptune, fuelled by Jupiter. (I may be wrong, of course, for there may be other significance in his private life, unknown to us).

Two video interviews with Chris Cooper, available on YouTube, are interesting, and do seem to support the impression I get from his natal chart.

Interview 1

Interview 2

The sadness, which I believe shows clearly in his face, is almost certainly a result of a family tragedy. Chris Cooper and his wife had one son, Jesse, who was born prematurely and suffered a cerebral haemorrhage which left him with cerebral palsy. The Coopers were determined that he should have the best possible education, and campaigned on behalf of others in similar situations. Jesse eventually became an Honor Student. Tragically he died aged 17, on 3 January 2005. It's notable that transiting Saturn was retrograding within degrees of Mr Cooper's natal Sun over the following months. That must have been a truly devastating time for him and Mrs Cooper.

"Jesse was a key component in their lives. They adored him and he knew that. And we knew it because they were never afraid to show it. If you chanced upon the Coopers at Stop & Shop, they would lovingly pet Jesse's face as they spoke with you. He was always in their thoughts. If Jesse was sick and Chris had a guest appearance out of town, the choice was easy for Chris...he stayed in Kingston, with Jesse. Certainly other choices were available for the Coopers, but they remained steady in a lifelong commitment to maintain a family unity, which included Jesse as an ever present part of the family." (SEE HERE)

Finally, three quotes from this admirable American actor:

"I suspect that a lot of studio executives still think of me as 'what's-his-name'"

"I've got research, I have my own life experience I can apply, and I have my imagination."

"I'm thrilled with my body of work."

So am I, Chris, all of it - but you'll always be "July Johnson" to me!

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