Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Jinny", Virginia Wade

It's Virginia Wade's Birthday today.

"Who?" I hear a passing reader wonder.

She was born 10 July 1945, Bournemouth, UK. Virginia Wade was a British professional tennis player in the 1970s.

Wikipedia tells that:

"She won three Grand Slam singles titles and four Grand Slam doubles titles. She is particularly remembered for winning the women's singles title at Wimbledon in the championship's Centenary year on July 1, 1977, currently the last Briton to do so. "

I'm not a tennis fan, nor a fan of any sport. Virginia Wade was so well known in her heyday that even I was aware of her. In England she was affectionately referred to as "Jinny".

Her 12 noon chart show that she has Sun and Saturn close together (discipline and ambition) in Cancer. The Moon may be in Cancer too, but could have moved into Leo if Virginia were born later in the day, after 5pm. I suspect that's likely. Mercury and Pluto are close together in Leo, probably indicating the powerfully incisive mind a world-class tennis player needs to keep on top of their game. Mars, usually considered important in sports, is in Taurus, and here's the thing - it's closely trine Jupiter in Virgo. This must surely be important.

What is very noticeable is that on 1 July 1977, when Jinny won the womens' singles title, transiting Mars was at 18 Taurus, while her natal Mars is 20 Taurus. Transiting Jupiter at 19 Gemini was square natal Jupiter at 21 Virgo, but just 4 degrees from natal Uranus in Gemini. I'm not sure if or how all this ties in, but Mars conjunct Mars had to give great strength, which she undoubtedly needed and demonstrated.

I remember an occasion, probably in the early 1980s when my late partner and I were on one of many vacations in Tenerife, Canary Islands. A couple who saw us regularly in a music bar called me over one night and said " When we see you come in, we always say "Here's Jinny" - you look so much like Virginia Wade!" I was flabbergasted, and couldn't for the moment remember what she looked like. I said they were very kind - hoping that it was the appropriate thing to say! I can kind of see what they meant - the hair, the nose - but we don't really look alike.(See below - at similar ages.) The coincidence is that Virginia's Sun and my ascendant are within 2 degrees of each other!

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