Sunday, July 08, 2007

Al Gore and Live Earth

In spite of the razamatazz of the Live Earth concerts yesterday, and in spite of the fact that I greatly admire Al Gore and all he's trying to do for the environment, I still can't help feeling let down by his continued insistence that he will not run as a presidential candidate in the US 2008 election.

My logical pain-in-the-arse Aquarian mind keeps saying to me
"But what's the use of it all? Without the right people in charge of the USA, nothing will change on a large enough scale to make a difference. Look at the presidential candidates who have announced so far. Who is making the environment their big issue?"


Persuading us to change our lightbulbs for low energy ones is fine, as are all the other things we can do as individuals to help the situation. These efforts will not be enough to make a difference without a high level of governmental involvement to enforce required changes, as only government can do. I don't see promise of this from anyone currently on the debating platforms.

Al Gore knows this.

Things just don't add up.


  1. When you write, "Things don't add up", I agree with you. What is the real agenda? Hmmmm.....

  2. Gore will run and win.

    I think he may announce this coming Dec when he has a Jupiter return with Pluto also conjunct and Mercury and the Sun crossing that conjunction within days followed by the same 3 crossing his Moon shortly after. Not sure of the trigger - transiting Jupiter, Sun, or Mercury, but like the Sun on Dec 20.

    Relocate his birth chart to Denver, site of the Democratic National Convention in Aug 2008, then place the transits for 7pm, MDT, Aug 25, the convention's second evening around it. Transit Uranus on the MC and transit Jupiter on the descendant (also square natal Sun).

    My progression of his lunar return for election day in Nov 2008 is my reason for believing he will be elected.

    Inauguration day of Jan 20, 2009 finds transit Jupiter conjunct his natal 7th.


  3. kuanyin - Hi! It's a mystery.
    Even if an incoming president put him in the cabinet as a Climate Czar (or whatever) he'd still not have the power he needs.

    (PS - Each time I go to your blog my computer hangs and I have to "end task". I wonder what the problem is. I noticed this a while ago, and haven't been able visit you.)

    Hello Bob (unique_astrology)

    What you say lifted my spirits - I'll check those things on my software.

    I was very optimistic a few months ago, based on the Jupiter transit. Somehow, recently, I've lost my optimism about it. He seems such a genuine guy - I can't believe he'd keep saying he has no plans to run if he doesn't mean it.

    Perhaps something will happen to force his hand. We'll see.

    Thanks again for commenting.
