Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Keeping Austin Weird

We're back from our brief trip to Austin, Texas.

I'm not keen on zodiac signs for countries and cities, but if Austin had to have one, I reckon it ought to be Aquarius. "Keep Austin Weird", the slogan of the Independent Traders' Association in the city, says it all! Austin seems to me to be one of the most weirdly sane cities I've seen so far, apart from its traffic - which IS craziness !

In the short time we spent in Austin, my husband's daughter and granddaughter guided us to what they, as long time Austinites, look on as the essence of their city. We didn't see glitzy malls or upscale stores - that is not the real Austin, although, as state capital, it doubtless has plenty to offer in that department if that's what rings your bells.

Threadgill's, the cafe where Janice Joplin and many other now famous stars used to sing regularly, was the venue for our first lunch. The food was excellent - lots of vegetable dishes, a rarity in Texas !

Hot and humid weather at the weekend made frequent visits into "dark bars" to replenish fluids a necessity. That's our story, and we're sticking to it! It was a nice change to be able to go into a real pub again, I hadn't set foot in one since I left England!

We walked the length of "Congress", beloved haunt of Austinites (South Congress Avenue), and investigated its selection of weird and wonderful independent boutiques and stores. The dome of the Texas State Capitol can be seen at the far end of the avenue, but that was the nearest we got to it! Congress is the Texas version of London's Carnaby Street, as it used to be in the 1960s. There was a great atmosphere, with happy crowds of people enjoying their weekend. Unpretentious, unaffected, just happy.

Sitting out a heavy shower of rain at the Continental Club (another Austin institution), we had a couple of drinks and listened to some good live music (proper country, not yer modern rubbish). The Continental Club is one of the original venues for live music in Austin. Many who are now some of the world's biggest stars have sung there over the years. It's not fancy - not glitzy, just very basic, down-home Texas style.

The one big drawback about Austin was the horrendous traffic. If anyone from Britain reads this - Austin is Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham (UK) times 50 ! The real Austinites hate it too. Daughter of HeWhoKnows bemoaned sadly the fact that the city has changed a lot from what it used to be some years ago. That's progress, I guess, but Austin's still managing to remain pretty cool, and lots of fun, in spite of it all.

(All photos by HeWhoKnows (or me) except the Threadgill's sign - that's from Austin Pages by mertmh)


  1. That's just the way it happened! I was there! HWK

  2. Hmmmm - I wondered who that bearded guy was!
