Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Idiocracy" & Astrology. Mike Judge & the early degrees - again!

We watched a DVD of the movie "Idiocracy" recently. It's a Mike Judge film (remember "Beavis and Butthead"?) A satirical, somewhat twisted, illogical yet funny look at what the world (or more accurately, America) might be like when 500 years have passed . The premise is that America is becoming more and more dumbed down as years go by. The brainy intelligentsia do not breed at nearly the same rate as redneck-type yo-yos. Therefore, in time, the yo-yos will take over.

A very average military guy and a less than average gal, a hooker, from today's world, take part in an experiment to "freeze" them in suspended animation, for one year. Due to government de-funding of the experiment they are forgotten, and do not wake up until a minor disaster 500 years later rouses them to find a very changed America.

I'll avoid more detail, so as not to spoil things for passing readers who may be future viewers of the movie.

My (sometimes) logical Aquarian mind saw two gaping flaws in the plot. What about astrology, and what about the rest of the world ?

I believe that astrological "effects" would have ensured that the trend towards idiocy was balanced with intelligence. Though whether genetics would, in time, overcome astrology's intelligent traits, and whether astrological "effects" themselves could evolve, I know not. Much depends on that unknown ingredient: "how astrology works", of course. I have faith that nature would somehow have dealt with this situation long before it got as bad and silly as the film predicts.

A more clearly evident flaw, for me, was that China, or some other country, would have over-run America for sure, had it evolved into the nation of morons this film depicts.

Suspending disbelief, it's a thought provoking and laugh producing premise though - the shadow side of most other sci-fi plots. There are lots of (uneasy) laughs. We are reliably told by AJ, son of HeWhoKnows, that a second viewing will bring forth even more laughter. There's so much potential for humour in the plot's premise, that it's not possible to see it all first time around.

For a detailed review of the film, see HERE.

Mike Judge, writer, producer, director of "Idiocracy" was born 17 October 1962 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. No birth time is available. He has Sun and Mercury in Libra, Moon certainly in Gemini, but degree is uncertain, Saturn in Aquarius. Mars in Leo. Jupiter in Pisces.

What immediately drew my eye was that there are several planets in the early degrees of their signs.

Mercury 6* Libra, Mars 2* Leo, Jupiter 3* Pisces, Saturn 4* Aquarius. Also Moon's nodes @ 4 Leo/Aquarius.

Some time ago I wrote a blog entry about a few well-known cartoonists. I mentioned that I'd noticed the early degrees of zodiac signs to be prevalent in their charts. (SEE HERE). Mike Judge is a kind of cartoonist too, he's doing a similar thing, using a different medium. Am I onto something? Perhaps not, but it's intriguing to see this phenomenon pop up once again.

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