Monday, June 25, 2007


"You're being paranoid!" - An accusation bandied around a lot these days. I often wonder whether the meaning of the word "paranoid" has evolved, as have so many others in the English language. It now appears to have a much-modified meaning for folks outside of the medical profession. The word paranoia derives from the Greek para(outside)+ nous(mind). Literally, being out of one's mind.

True paranoia is a very serious mental disturbance, which is now described in medical circles as "delusional disorder." Wikipedia defines it as "a disturbed thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrantionality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat."

What we lay people term "paranoia", in general conversation, I'll call "paranoia-lite". Most of us have a little of it hidden away somewhere in our make-up, it's part of the human condition. Thinking that another person doesn't like us, suspecting their motives, questioning whether an acquaintance is sincere, "on the level" or up to no good. Wondering if one's significant other was ever unfaithful, or will be. Suspecting that someone had an ulterior motive for a kindly act they performed. Such feelings, and others like them, can arise unbidden from deep inside us, no external evidence necessary.

Astrologers say that the zodiac sign of Scorpio is usually prominent in natal charts of those who experience paranoia, so, I guess to a lesser extent this applies to paranoia-lite. Neptune, Saturn and Pluto are also thought to be involved via difficult aspects, 8th house too, due to its connection with Pluto/Scorpio.

Hmmmm - well, I can put my hand up to Sun in 8th house, Pluto in 1st house and Mars in Scorpio. I don't suffer often from paranoia-lite, but I have recognised its symptoms in myself on occasion, and I often sense it in others.

It seems to me that, in general terms, those with Water signs prominent are probably more inclined to suffer from paranoia-lite than those where Earth, Fire and Air predominate. When faced with a situation in which paranoia-lite could arise, people with Fire prominent in their charts would fight back in some way, Earthy ones would find a practical solution, and Air people would be likely to apply analysis and logic to the situation. The Watery ones, who work from deep emotional triggers, could suffer the most intense reaction from a nasty dose of paranoia-lite.

Here are links to a couple of articles by astrologers on the topic of paranoia.

Anyara Essays

The Dimensions of Paranoia by Noel Tyl

and on a lighter note, from Anyara Aphorisms
I like the Aquarian version:
A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. (William S. Burroughs)

I'll drink to that!

(Photograph courtesy of Bradford University and )


  1. Whoops. I was about to comment on this fascinating post and I just got crazy deja-vu! It's interesting to think of paranoia in these terms.
    My mother told me once that she was psychic, but had to give it up. In her words: there is a fine line between psychic ability and paranoia.

  2. Excellent article!

    Glad you linked to Tyl's paranoia info--he was the 2nd astrologer to read my natal chart years ago and my heart has a soft spot for Noel!


  3. Thanks for your kind comments, Jude and Chrispito ! :-)
