Friday, March 09, 2007

Astrologically Embarrassed

One day this week I spent a couple of hours at the hairdresser's having "my roots done". A boring interlude under the hairdryer was put to use scribbling some astro-bloggy bits in an exercise book, where I keep my astrology notes.

HeWhoKnows arrived promptly at 3pm to collect me. After paying, I rushed off, inadvertantly leaving my exercise book behind. Halfway home I remembered, horrified! "What if they look inside? They'll think I'm a witch or something! I'll never dare show my grey roots there again!" We returned to the hairdresser's shop and I sheepishly rescued my book, which had been placed on a table under a cheese plant.

Why did I feel so embarrassed? I'm not sure why. It's something about Oklahoma. I didn't feel like this back in Yorkshire. Oklahoma is a beautiful state, its inhabitants are kindly, warm people who wave as you pass by in the car, even if you're a total stranger. Yet there's an overlay of Bible Belt and Red State mentality here too. This sends my astrological and socialist sides running for cover.

It helps to think not of present day Oklahoma, but earlier times, before the Land Rush, before oil and Halliburton, when the area was inhabited by Tribes of American Indians. Some of these actually wanted to live here, some were forced by the government to travel here along "The Trail of Tears". Those people would have understood my love of astrology. Their spirit is still here. Descendants of the Tribes are still around. They are hardly recognisable to a foreigner like me, but their vehicle licence plates declare them. Whenever I notice one of these, a wave of good feeling washes over me.
Detail from the Oklahoma state flag: The center shield is the battle shield of an Osage warrior. It is made of buffalo hide and decorated with eagle feathers. Two symbols of peace lie across the shield. One is the calumet, or peace pipe. The other is an olive branch. Crosses on the shield are Native American signs for stars, representing high ideals.

After 6 weeks have passed it'll be time for me to visit the hairdresser's shop again. Will they remember my exercise book? I think not, but HeWhoKnows is convinced that I shall be invited to be "saved".


  1. I was a big fan of John Inman as well. He went before his time..71 is far too young. Stop by and say hi sometime!

  2. Thanks Rickrockhill, I shall do so soon.

  3. Twilight, I too have wondered why I feel a little shy about having my love of astrology revealed. Maybe it's Uranus/Scorpio on my MC? Feeling too conspicuous?
    I like your blog, by the way. It's a very good point you make, about exercising your writing muscle every day.
    Thanks for putting me on your list, 'tis a very kind thing to do and I am very pleased!

  4. Hello Chrispito - Uranus in Scorpio on MC sounds pretty powerful to me! Did I notice you said you have Sun in Taurus? Perhaps your Taurean earthy side is shy of revealing astrological interest. My Uranus is in Taurus!
