Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Week That Was

First, a thank you note to John and Susan Townley of Astro Cocktail for their article on "The Astro Blogosphere", and for including me in the list of blogs featured. I'm surprised to be there, among so many experts, but feel very happy to tag along.

Thank you!

This week's news left more questions than answers.

Is that really the tomb of Jesus?

Why is there a hole in the earth's crust in the middle of the Atlantic, and why do I keep thinking about Atlantis when I read about his?

Are the two items above linked by a common astrolgical factor ? Neptune (mysteries) and Uranus(discoveries) currently in each others sign of rulership, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Pisces (known to astrologers as mutual reception).

What is a "mensch"? I discovered the answer to this question, which arose after reading Michael Winship's article "The Voyage of the Snark". Mensch is a Yiddish word, and according to Wikipedia it refers to a particularly good person, like "a stand-up guy," a person with the qualities one would hope for in a dear friend or trusted colleague. This excellent article comments on the level to which some journalists and other media people are sinking these days. Mr Winship awarded the title Mensch of the Year (thus far) to fellow Brit. Craig Ferguson, who hosts the Late Late Show here in the USA. Good!

It was sad to read that John Inman, British comedic actor died on Thursday, aged 71. He was always able to make me laugh. His humour was never hurtful to anyone - it's a great and rare talent to be able to make people laugh at nobody else's expense, John had this talent.
In his natal chart the Sun was in the kindly sign of Cancer, Mercury in lively Gemini, possibly the Moon there too, and Venus in Leo - the consummate showman. "An excellent fit, Sir", as Mr. Humphries would have said. He'll be missed.

Tonight we'll be going to the local theatre to see a group of Drepung Loseling Buddhist Monks perform Sacred Music and Dance for World Healing - "The Mystical Arts of Tibet". The Loseling Monks are renowned for their multiphonic chanting known as zokkay (complete chord). Each of the chantmasters simultaneously intones three notes, thus each individually creating a complete chord. The Tibetans are the only culture on earth that cultivates this most extraordinary vocal ability.

It should be a memorable experience. More on this tomorrow, no doubt.

PS: I obtained the instructions for converting my long list of labels (index) into a "Cloud" from phydeaux3 at THIS LINK. The instructions are clear and easy, even for a cyber-klutz like me!

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