Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dennis Kucinich - Will Uranus come to the aid of the party?

I'm puzzled as to why Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the Democratic party nomination in the presidential election 2008, gets so little coverage in the media and no support in opinion polls. He seems to be "the forgotten man". Why?

This is the one candiate who has opposed the Iraq war from the start, he supports all the issues which appear important to Americans now. He has no ties to the corporate health care giants, who continue to profit while tens of millions of Americans suffer from a failed health care system. What is the problem ? In the absence of Al Gore, Kucinich is what America needs. Why are Americans giving him the cold shoulder? Are they afraid of a little socialism creeping in ? Will they back away from the spoonful of medicine that is so needed by this ailing country? I guess so.

In one way it's good that Dennis is being ignored at this stage in the game. At least he's not being called names by Ann Coulter and similar venomous journalists. He's not involved in a fight for supremacy with Ms Clinton, and he's had no skeletons dragged from his closet. Perhaps he's happy to keep a low profile - for now.

Transiting Uranus will be hanging around his natal Moon at 20* Pisces, just as Pluto moves into Capricorn, in spring 2008 and again, later that year. Might this bring a change of atmosphere - could public opinion change around that time? At the moment it's hard to visualise. It seems to me that people are reaching for rhinestones and ignoring the diamond at their feet.

I found some comments, from 2004, about Dennis Kucinich's natal chart here at Astrodatabank. The latest of these, dated November 2005, is interesting.
The comment by Abe Tenley says, among other things:
"but his chart does seem to support a lot of success and recognition in November 2008 and in the two years following (2009 and 2010). His chart also shows success for a partner at that time, so perhaps he could gain a vice-presidential nomination and election. "

That'd be GREAT!


  1. You make good points. Maybe Kucinich will rise to the occasion as his word gets out. I support him 100%.

  2. That's good to know Chuck!
    Thank you for popping in to say so.
    We'll keep fingers crossed.
