Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Under One Sky"

"Under One Sky" is a book, brainchild of Rafael Nasser, which contains the biography of a woman who was unknown to 12 different, well-known, astrologers. Each astrologer gives their "blind" interpretation of her natal chart. Each uses their own specialised system. Systems include Vedic, Western, Mediaeval, Hellenistic, Mythological, Evolutionalry, Archetypal, Uranian, Psychological, Western Sidereal, and Light-hearted. The astrologers specify how and why they reached the concusions they did.

I've been trying to decide which of the 12 astrologers has most closely "nailed" the woman. I read her biography, once skimming over it, then for a second time in careful detail. Her biography is quite detailed - a little too wordy for my comfort, but it does provide a good "feel" of who she is. I picked out a few key points which, in my opinion, ought to come through loud and clear in an accurate interpretation. These were: first and foremost world travel. Then: academic ability, spirituality, health problems/accidents, relationship with father.

It isn't as easy as I imagined it might be to clearly see who has come closest to describing the anonymous woman. The astrologers were also quite wordy, somewhat "woolly" too in places! Finally I came to the conclusion that one of the astrologers who uses the sidereal zodiac, and one who uses the tropical delivered the best, clearest, and in my opinion most accurate reports.
No names, no pack drill (don't want to get into trouble!!)

Things I learned from this exercise:

1.Both zodiacs work, in the right hands.
2.Too many words muddy the waters, even when the writer obviously has style and flair.
3.A light touch is best.
4.Not everything is shown in a birth chart, even when experts translate.
5.Basic tropical "everyday" astrology is as accurate as the most complicated specialised type, or using a variety of different celestial bodies, or myths.

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