Friday, October 27, 2006

Sun Sign columns and astrology by computer.

I read "Under One Sky" recently, and noted how acclaimed experts go about writing their interpretations of a natal chart. An old saying came to mind this morning: "After the lord mayor's show comes the muck-cart". I reflected how essential that muck-cart was in days gone by.

Sun Sign columns are a much maligned area of astrology. Many astrologers consider these columns have little to do with astrology at all. Likewise, astrological reports generated by computer come under fire from "real" astrologers.

"Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of the party" - another old saying !

If a hundred people in any busy street were to be asked what they knew of astrology, I'd take a guess that around 90% of them would mention a Sun sign astrologer, or newspaper/magazine column. The remaining 10% would probably be split between those who knew nothing at all, and those who had a serious interest in the subject.

Sun sign astrology is the tip of an enormous astrological iceberg. It is the part in clear public view, the part which has kept astrology alive when it might otherwise have sunk beneath the scorn of scientists and sceptics. In my view those astrologers who delight in deriding Sun sign columns and websites do astrology in general a great disservice. A good daily column such as that written by Jonathan Cainer does not purport to "tell your fortune" for the day in question. The astrologer offers wisdom and inspiration, based on the current astrological climate. That's all. People enjoy reading a little piece of wisdom each day. This has to be true, otherwise why do newspapers continue to carry such columns ? Because they boost circulation. It has to be said though, that some Sun sign columns are decidedly better quality than others, it's the poorer ones which have been pounced upon and used as example by critics of astrology.

If some astrologers find it necessary to publicly deride Sun sign columns, that says more about THEM than about the intelligence of readers of those columns, or the competence of the astrologers who write them.

Who knows - someone whose interest was initially sparked by Sun sign columns might progress to learn astrology via a college or course, and might one day become THE astrologer who discovers a "missing link" or "golden key", or devises an infallible method of interpretation or prediction. Who knows?

Computer generated astrology reports are another bone of contention.
In my opinion these fall into two categories:

1. Those generated from a computer program, written by whomever, which was bought retail, with the specific intent of selling reports to the public (by licence - part of the program price).

2. Those written by an experienced astrologer and integrated into a computer program to produce reports, to be obtainable only from that astrologer.

The first type of report is of limited use, I've seen such a report and was disappointed by it, but would not say it was completely without value. I have had much better experience from the second type of computer report, obtained from an astrologer I respect and admire.

Nobody expects that an astrology report generated by computer could ever take the place of a consultation with an expert, or an individual report written specifically for one person. Most people nowadays are aware of what computers are, and are not, capable of. A full personal report written especially for a client, like a custom made suit, would take an expert many hours of work, for which he would expect to be paid. Most people do not have a large amount of money to spend on astrology. Computer reports have made something nearer to "real" astrology available to a much wider market. Ready-made suits did the same thing for men's tailoring . Discernment is needed when choosing the source, as with any purchase.

Sadly there are some charlatans around in every walk of life, there are always some sincere but less able individuals, too. Charlatans are easy to spot in astrology - they chase customers with bogus offers, advertise widely in magazines, they frighten clients, imply that they have secret knowledge. No reputable astrologer would ever stoop to this level.

A last thought on this topic:
I look on Sun sign astrology as a kind of pre-school astrology for the public. Computer generated reports - junior school astrology. Individually written reports or personal consultations are akin to university level astrology. There's a gap..... between junior school and university. That's a gap which each of us is capable of filling for ourselves, with a little study and research.

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