Sunday, October 22, 2006


After reading what seems like a thousand internet articles on the sidereal/tropical debate, my brain is now reeling.

Astrologically there are too many options!!

I have a natal chart calculated using tropical zodiac.
I have a relocated chart using tropical zodiac
I have secondary progressed and directed charts (based on natal)
I have a natal chart with current/future transits
I have a progressed and directed chart with current/future transits
I have a natal chart calculated using sidereal zodiac.

I could have even more charts - Draconic, Solar Return, Lunar return, Harmonic, Midpoint.......the list goes on and on.

My instincts tell me to stick with natal plus transits, and ignore everything else - but WHICH natal ? Tropical or sidereal ?

Does it matter, if both fit me reasonably well? The same planets are arranged in the same way, only some sign emphasis is different, the overall "feel" remains the same.

Back to the coalface for more research !

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