Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tropica/Sidereal III

Sidereal versus Tropical astrology is much too deep a subject for me to judge with my extremely limited experience. There are too many imponderables. Far greater and vastly more experienced minds than mine have failed to come to a clear finding on the issue. I can only observe, experiment and come to a conclusion which satisfies my own needs.

At present, I'm of the opinion that both zodiacs work, up to a point, using straightforward western methods at an elementary level (pre-school!) - at least in the charts of people I've known very well, and for a long time. It's as though one compensates for the failings of the other. I've wondered how could this be.

Nobody on Earth currently will still be around to see what happens when the two zodiacs drift even further apart - 3, 4, 5 signs. The answer might be more apparent in the far distant future - but by then perhaps physicists and astronomers will have uncovered the mystery behind astrology anyway.

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