Friday, October 23, 2020

 It is a sad task to have to inform you of the passing of TwilightStar, our Annie, on September 05 of this year.  She is now among her stars that were so important to her.


Thank you for being a loyal follower of her blog.  




  1. Sorry for your loss.

    - and ours: Ann wrote an interesting horoscope for Trump and Pence for Broad Oak at the outset of the former's Presidency, you may care to add it to the blog as a memento:

  2. Fred

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Although I never met Ann, I felt as if I knew her well. She will have the chance now to catch up with her cousin Steve in the stars. I miss them both. Deepest sympathies. Bill Clarke

  3. Twilight, thank you for all your blogging-journaling articles that took me into the life and opinions of a British Oklahoman with a treasured spouse named anyjazz. Several years back, we shared comments regarding the cycle(s) of life, death, and the meaning of it all...we both agreed we were all for it, whatever it is. You arrived first...see you when my bus stop arrives! Take care, Fred-anyjazz...thank you for posting this notice, though I already knew from the silence here. Survivors have the most difficult task of all, so bless you, Fred.

  4. Thank you Fred/Anyjazz. What a terrible hole Annie has left behind. I always looked forward to her postings and comments and astrology.

    She is for sure among the stars she loved now.

    She is so very much missed. I particularly loved your jaunts into towns together where you two would collect memorabilia.

    My deepest sympathy.

    It must be very challenging for you.

