Wednesday, July 29, 2020

New Blogger Interface is a mess!

As you can see, I haven't yet been able to come to grips with the new Blogger interface - will probably sort it out eventually - or not.


  1. Yes, fairly horrid, and as usual, no choice - "take it!"

  2. I am avoiding it. As the reports (like yours) are terrifyingly anti. I am hoping things will improve.


  3. Sackerson - Yes! I think I've been part confirmed in the new interface and part not yet confirmed. I tried, many times, to go back completely to "legacy" interface but background and heading wouldn't do it. :(

  4. Wisewebwoman ~ As usual, people who don't use the darn thing daily just go ahead and change it to their own convenience, without proper background knowledge. Happened last time too, if I remember correctly. Same kind of thing used to happen in my working days - and much cursing ensued. :-(

    Now they are pleasing mobile phone users, desk-top and lap-top users can go to Hell as far as they are concerned.

  5. You can go back to the previous interface (for laptops and desktops). But it seems that you were still using the original blogger interface, previous to the one added by Google in 2012, much better, with new design options and a lighter editor.

    If so, it is worth to explore options and configure it to your liking.

  6. Amable ~ Yes, I have tried to return to "legacy" version but, as I said in the post my blog did not swing back fully to "legacy". I suspect that I must have hit a 'save' at some point when experimenting with the new interface, thus, perhaps, causing an incomplete back-track.

    I was using the new version from 2012, over time I adjusted bits and pieces of format, heading and so on - was more adept with html back then! - See this post:

  7. Glad to get you any way I can.

  8. They can leave nothing alone. Their motto is, "If it works, break it." Google employees have to justify their fat salaries somehow.

  9. “A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.”, Arthur Bloch

  10. the new interface is a mess , not like you need another frustration.. healing energy comes your way.💛

  11. TO ALL - I'm not dead yet, but not very mobile. Everything came bad at once after I had to clear constipation (caused by pain pills) with, eventually, Magnesium Citrate. It just about did me in, and not quite over it yet. Trying hard, but legs now fluidy - I'm supposed to go for ultra scan on them this week, but it's really hard to get footwear - doing best. Got a walker which has helped a lot, at least to get too and from loo! That's about my lot right now + TV and lots of dozing.

    Love to all!
