Sunday, July 22, 2007

A poem, and news of a challenge met.


Stars have ways I do not know,
Enormity that checks my thought,
Yet on the loom of their fine glow
The fabric of my dreams is wrought.

I look into the stars, and one
After one, convictions die,
While more than I have lost is spun
Delicately across the sky.

I look into the stars, and all
The fuming purposes life gives
Pass, like mists of evening fall,
And all life never has been, lives.

Illustration from Neopets

The challenge mentioned in the title is HeWhoKnows' reply to the tag game/meme about songs/music.

HWK typically took his time, whereas I had rushed into it head first! HWK's contribution is an interesting read, for true music lovers as well as musical plebs like myself. When it comes to our attitude to music we're chalk and cheese. I go for the words every time - he goes, almost always, for the music. Is this down to my Mercury in Capricorn and his in Pisces, I wonder? He likes to "sense" the meaning, I like to have it spelled out. Or is it just a "guy thing"?


  1. I like to sense the meaning of things...until I lose patience and demand to have it spelled out. I never know which way it's going to go, and that's a bit embaressing!

  2. I can relate to that, Chrispito.
    You must have some Aries in there somewhere !

  3. Chalk and Cheese?

  4. I'm with you on the words, o' British Invader. HWK just can't get past that "jazz" thing of his!!!

    Lyric writers are the poets of the second half of the 20th century. I can listen to a melody written by a third grader if the lyric's been chisled by a wordsmith. Oh, yuck, I hate that word "wordsmith"!

    Anyway, in Sunday's campaign column, I'll be announcing the theme song for the Gemini Party's presidential race. The music is a nice little ditty - would probably get an 80 for danceability on American Bandstand - but the words will be the banner the Gemini Party follows to the White House.

  5. K: - "Chalk and cheese" - HWK tells me this isn't an expression used in the USA, which came as a surprise to me. It's just a way of saying two things are very different from one another - it'scommonly used in Britain.

    The Next President of the United States:
    Wow! I am honoured indeed. May I call you "Sir"?

    I'm fully registered as a member of the Gemini Party, and watching your campaign closely. We shall be learning the words of your campaign song - and I'll try to stop HWK doing all that improvising he loves so much.

    Can you get yourself invited to one of those dang TV debates? That'd really be something to see!
