Saturday, July 21, 2007

My nice surprise.

Yesterday I logged on to find that Michelle of Crow's Feet had nominated me for a Creative Blogger Award. I was shocked and flattered. I've noticed a variety of little award symbols on blogs during my travels around the internet and often wondered how these came about. Now I know!

Thank you, Michelle, for the nomination and for directing me to the source of many of the award symbols I've seen around - a blog called Writers' Reviews.

I'm especially honoured to be nominated in this particular category. Look at the description of the award - I can't claim to fill all of the description, but part of it does say, loud and clear, "Aquarian Sun", I'll claim that part!

"This award originated with Christy at Writers Reviews, and is "for those who bring unique and creative elements to their blogs. For those who incorporate art, music, creative writing, photo's, and other beautiful visual effects into their website. For those who put a unique spin on things and come up with new ideas. This award is for the artsy, the funky, the inventor, and even the rebel. This award is for those creative individuals who stand out from the crowd."

I've looked at my relocated chart and transits for yesterday. Transiting Neptune (imagination and creativity) still conjoins relocated Aquarius ascendant, and transiting Mars 4 degrees from natal Uranus (planet of the unexpected) in re-located 3rd house of communication. I think those might fit, and that relocation charts might actually work - another surprise!

Thanks again, Michelle !

1 comment:

  1. :-)

    I've been enjoying browsing your blog entries. I particularly enjoyed your question-answer post to Skeptics. Some great replies there, I must remember your ideas for the next time I mett up with an irritating skeptic. ;-)
