Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On the road again....

We're off to Austin in deepest Texas for a day or two, to see the younger daughter and granddaughter of HeWhoKnows.

If Mercury retrograde doesn't intervene, and we find a decent motel with internet connection, I have a couple of drafts to post via laptop. If old Merc the Quirk kicks in though, all may be silent here for a few days.

Mercury Retrograde was on top form on the evening of Father's Day. We went for an evening meal - 3 fathers with spouses and some offspring. Two grandsons left early in their Dad's Thunderbird and were smacked by two young girls in a Mustang who jumped the red lights (not paying attention). Nobody hurt, thankfully. Car needs a little intensive care though - owner not impressed!

(Photograph: car of the future?)