Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Four English men who pop up on TV in the USA quite often, Hugh Laurie, Piers Morgan, Simon Cowell and Christopher Hitchens always manage to annoy me. This is a little surprising, you'd think I'd be glad to see a fellow-countryman on the box from time to time.

Simon Cowell annoys just about everybody, so I'm not unusual in that. Hugh Laurie appears nice enough when interviewed, I think it's really his dreadful "House" character, with phoney American accent, who irritates me.

That leaves Piers Morgan (left) and Christopher Hitchens(right). Piers Morgan takes the Simon Cowell role in a silly talent show called "America Has Talent". I remember him better as the editor of a tabloid newspaper in the UK some years ago. What gives him the credentials to judge "talent" is a mystery to me. Christopher Hitchens is an author, journalist and critic, his most recent book is entitled "God is not Great". Both men display such an air of superiority, pomposity and general "Me, Me, Me-ness" that I want to throw something at the TV screen. Perhaps astrology can supply an answer for my antipathy towards these two characters. They both have natal Sun in Aries.

I usually get on well with Aries Sun, Moon or, in whatever guise. I'm married to one, and have had several Aries Sun friendships throughout life. I'm a great fan of Al Gore, and I like David Letterman, both Sun Aries people. My own natal Moon and Saturn lend me some insight and experience of Aries-ness.

A quick look at the two natal charts tells me that Piers Morgan has Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Aries. There's an exact opposition from Saturn in Pisces to Uranus, Mars and Pluto in Virgo. Mars and Uranus also inconjunct his Sun.

Christopher Hitchens has Sun, Mercury Venus and Mars all in Aries, between 17 and 23 degrees, with Neptune in Libra opposing Mars. It's possible the Moon could also be opposing the bundle of Aries planets from Libra too, depending on time of birth.

The high concentration of Aries, together with uncomfortable opposition and inconjunct aspects probably accounts for what I notice in these men when they appear on TV.

Maybe, also, the fact that they're English puts a magnifying glass over their Aries planets. Star IQ tells us:
"Lilly(ancient astrologer)wrote: "Aries we know hath been acknowledged by all Astrologers to be the ascendant of England, and the English in their manners subject to the Condition of that Signe, and Mars is Lord of the signe"

Heavy doses of Aries energy can prove too much of a good thing. It might be significant that both these men have a planet very close to my own natal Moon (24.40 Aries). Piers Morgan's Mercury is at 23.13 Aries. Christopher Hitchens' Sun is at 23.11 Aries, Mercury 23.20 Aries and Venus 22.17 Aries.

So it's not simply an Aries overload I'm experiencing. It lends a new perspective to the expression "they get on my nerves", for in this case, "they get on my Moon"!
Perhaps what proves annoying in them, also annoys me about myself. Moi?

For them I have a remedy - the "off" switch. Me - I have to live with!

(Piers Morgan 30 March 1965, Newick, E.Sussex, UK. Photo CNN.net.
Christopher Hitchens 13 April 1949, Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK. Photo Washington Life.org

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