Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Prime Minister for Britain

I've been away from Britain, my native land, long enough to feel estranged from the politics there, but I understand that Tony Blair's imminent departure may mean that Gordon Brown will be Britain's next prime minister. I've read all of Dharmaruci's blogs on the subject at Astrotabletalk, and feel uneasy, to say the least, about Gordon Brown as PM. He and Tony Blair transformed the Labour Party into what they term "New Labour" - something it was never, ever meant to be. In my view it's now a watered down version of conservatism - it has been said that the swing to the right was needed in order for Labour to win elections. That's a little scary - and sad.

Left-wing Labour MP John McDonnell will attempt to gain sufficient support to run against Brown for leadership of the party. That is good news! I much prefer the look of McDonnell's natal chart. Born 8 September 1951 in Liverpool, he has Sun, Mercury and Venus in work and service oriented Virgo - Sun sextiles Uranus in Cancer. Jupiter in Aries trines Mars in Leo. His Moon would have been in Sagittarius, whatever his birthtime, and may possibly form aspects with Pluto and Mars. To me that chart describes someone with a good balance of practical common sense and dynamic go-getting. Saturn, strongly placed in Libra where it is traditionally "exalted", and semi-sextile natal Mercury represents tact and diplomacy, keen sense of justice and fairness - an excellent placement for a politician. Gordon Brown, born earlier the same year shares similar planetary placements for Saturn and the outer planets. The significant differences, I'd say, are placements of Mars and Jupiter. These are trined in Fire signs in McDonnell's chart, but in Brown's they both lie in Pisces, with his Sun and Venus - too much! I think this could result in a kind of blinkered outlook, lacking perspective.

There's more information in an excellent blog post about John McDonnell at The Nether-World by Davide Simonetti.

It seems doubtful at present that John McDonnell could oust Gordon Brown, but you never can tell!


  1. Tony Blair's true heir will be David Cameron I reckon. Just like Blair was Thatcher's - which of her reforms did he undo? Can't think of any.

  2. EEeeoooow! Thinking about Thatcher before breakfast isn't good for me, Dharmaruci!
