Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fonda Ruled!

We saw the movie "Georgia Rule" at the weekend. It had gathered some very poor reviews, but we guessed it would be preferable to anything showing on TV. It wasn't as bad as I expected, in fact I enjoyed it.

The movie did, at times, resemble one of those comic strip type soap operas, with unbelieveable, two dimensional characters engaged in too many highly unlikely coincidences and silly situations, in quck succession.

Another blogger featured in Astrology News (Moonlightbecomesme) mentioned this movie yesterday, but for some reason my computer hung up each time I tried to read that blog - so I apologise if I've covered any similar ground.

Jane Fonda, Felicity Huffman and Lindsay Lohan were the three leads. A film featuring at least one woman "of a certain age" who is not portrayed with one foot in the grave, is always a treat. Jane Fonda looks great at 70! Her resemblance to her father, Henry, seems to increase with the years. This news article "She's Always Known How To Get Our Attention" about Jane's antics with Stephen Colbert, during a promotional interview for the film, indicates that she's still as feisty as ever!

Rather than dissecting the astrology of the three leading actresses, which has probably been done already, I decided to consider the imaginary astrology of Georgia, played by Jane Fonda - hopefully without giving away too much of the plot.

Georgia is a grandmother who lives in small town Idaho, and maintains a strict code of rules for herself and for others. She is not strait-laced in every way, but sufficiently so to alienate her daughter.

Georgia's Sun could be in Virgo or Capricorn - she insisted that her wayward grandaughter should work rather than laze around during her sojourn in small town Idaho. Capricorns tend to age well, so I'll go for Sun and Venus in Capricorn, with Mercury in Aquarius - she had a rather rebellious streak, especially in her mode of communications (she told her grandaughter to "go f... yourself" and set about another character's expensive car with a baseball bat). Mars may well be at home in Aries, then !

Jupiter in Virgo could underline her excessively strict, somewhat anal, attitudes. Saturn near the ascendant would be a good placement, adding emphasis to her love of rules and strict work ethic. For her rising sign - maybe Taurus - stubborn, a little bit earthy, lover of small town life.

Generational planets would be more or less as Jane Fonda's own - Uranus in Taurus(near Georgia's ascendant, close to Saturn), Neptune in Virgo along with Jupiter, and Pluto right at the end of Cancer, with perhaps the Moon, strong in its own Sign, lending a touch of well-hidden softness to the character.

Whereas several reviews stated that Lindsay Lohan was, more or less, playing herself in this movie, the same could hardly be said of Jane Fonda !


  1. We, esp me, just adore your site! When I went to look up Craig Ferguson for a celeb bio John was working on for Matrix I came across his name on your site and when I punched it in, there we were!John and Susan Townley's AstroCocktail. How great to be in the company on the same page as Craig Ferguson . Craig's birthday is today and John wrote up a neat astro piece (me in the backdrop)at Sessions in the Third House.

    As far as Georgia Rules we have not seen the movie yet but when it goes to DVD our trusty NetFlix will deliver.

    We are huge Jane Fonda fans as well as Lindsay Lohan!

    Nice to meet you offically!

    The Townleys

  2. Hello Susan (and John)

    What a lovely surprise to receive your comment! Thank you.

    I'm a fan of your AstroCocktail - I was first alerted to it a while ago, in my message board days. Zane Stein told us about it on the Astronuts Tribe. I remember remarking at the time that reading AstroCocktail was, to me, like being let loose in a candy store. I was surprised and delighted, after I moved on to blogging, when you included me in your Blogosphere list of astro-bloggers.

    You've done Craig proud in the piece on Matrix, I hope he reads it, and thinks kindly about astrology because of it. He often mentions how he "Googles" bet he'll see it!

    Thanks once again for your comment, and my best wishes to you both.
