Sunday, April 01, 2007

When Jupiter pulled into a North Node station...

On Jonathan Cainer's page yesterday, Saturday 31 March, in his "Thought for the Day" section, before the forecasts, he said this:
"This month though, Saturn and Jupiter are both standing still. It is as if they have been frozen in space, exactly at the moment when they have started to form their angle. If anyone, anywhere, needs to build a bridge, deepen a bond, proffer an olive branch, pour oil on troubled waters, heal a wound and create a climate of stronger mutual respect they stand a good chance of developing it in April".
Dharmarucci also talked about the Jupiter (and other) stations at Astrotabletalk on 30 March.

I saw a little bit of related, real life, astrology yesterday!

The telephone rang, HeWhoKnows answered from what he laughingly called his "office", a cross between junk shop and techno-store. I could hear part of the conversation from where I sat at my computer in another room but couldn't work out whether he was speaking to a daughter, a son, a brother or a cousin. I gradually eliminated each by the content of the conversation as it progressed, amid much laughter, and was left puzzled. The call lasted over an hour. As it finished, HeWhoKnows bounced in to me with a look of glee mixed with triumph across his face.

A lifelong friend with whom contact had somehow been lost, for more than seven years, despite many attempts to trace him had at last re-surfaced in that phone call. The friend, nicknamed "Zee", retired early, sold everything he possessed and went on the road with his wife and a "5th wheel" mobile home. I've heard so many hilarious tales about this friend of my husband that I feel I almost know him. We feared that ill health had befallen him, as indeed it has, but he is surviving quite well by all accounts, and still "on the road" somewhere in Louisianna. More at husband's blog HERE

The astrology I saw working yesterday was this. In my husband's natal chart North node of the Moon is at 19.15* Sagittarius (5th house). Yesterday Jupiter lay at 19.44* Sagittarius. (Coincidentally Venus in my own chart is at 19.59* Sagittarius.)
Astrologers' opinions on the significance of the Moon's Nodes vary. I've never been able to stomach the karmic path or life/soul purpose theories, though that's not to say they are of no value. I've found the Nodes to be sensitive points in the chart, no more, no less.

A bridge has appeared now for HeWhoKnows and his friend "Zee", after too many years.
Who said astrology doesn't work? It may not work exactly according to text books, astrologers' predictions, or expectations, but it works.


  1. What a utilization of tools and effects you did, It's really amazing work,
