Monday, April 02, 2007

Astrology As She Is Spoken

For the first year or so after I arrived in the USA I used to read and contribute to a British Ex-Pat's forum. The subject often turned to the cultural and personality differences we were quite surprised to find between British and American people. I glanced at that forum yesterday and noticed that the subject matter has changed little in three years. Subtle differences between the English speaking races remains a popular talking point. I began to wonder about astrologers in this regard.

When an American astrologer prepares a report for a British person or an Australian (or vice versa), or indeed for a person of any other nationality than their own, are cultural differences taken into account? Is the astrologer aware of the differences, or do astrologers say "people are people are people, irrespective of their nationality"? Do English-speaking astrologers of different nationalities use subtly different approaches ?

As usual - more questions than answers in this blog!

Although the "nuts and bolts" of astrological principles remain constant, how these are interpreted and expressed will differ from person to person, astrologer to astrologer, not forgetting that the astrologers' own astrological makeup has to be thrown into the mix. Beyond those individual differences though, there may be a blanket factor common to astrologers of the same nationality, who have lived with the same problems and joys, prides and prejudices. This has nothing to do with "Britishness" or "Americanness", stereotypes, patriotism or nationalism, it's simply a question of different experience, and the way it colours interpretation, understanding, and mode of expression.

Astrologers from the past, such as C.E.O Carter (British), Grant Lewi and Carl Payne Tobey (American) seem to me to be further apart in their styles, outlook, and modes of expression than do current British and American astrologers. The world is shrinking fast, our common experiences are becoming more global than national, aided and assisted by the internet. I guess subtle differences will always remain, but with each generation these are likely to become less and less significant.

I enjoy reading all astrologers, noting the variety of shades and flavours, which may be due to nationality, is an added interest.

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