Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kucinich v. Cheney

Dennis Kucinich is reported to be about to introduce a bill of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney, perhaps on 25 April. Another report HERE.

I have great respect for Dennis Kucinich. This news strengthens my opinion that he is one of the few politicians with true integrity.

I've looked at the natal charts of Kucinich and Cheney, along with current transits.

What stood out, at first glance was that Cheney has natal Uranus at 22 Taurus, Kucinich's natal Uranus is at 21 Gemini - and transiting Neptune is at 21 Aquarius just now, forming a square with Cheney's natal Uranus (possible revelation of secrets) and a trine with Uranus in Kucinich's chart (heightened intuition and idealism).

The recent eclipse at 28 Virgo hit Cheney's natal Neptune. Transiting Neptune forms a square with natal Uranus and is 3* away from natal Mercury. Transiting Jupiter has just passed over natal Mars (possibly has been prone to risk-taking?). Neptune seems to be the significant planet for him just now.
Neptune, planet of illusion, delusion, dreams, perhaps even deception or self deception.

Kucinich has natal Uranus trined by transiting Neptune, sextiled by transiting Saturn at 18 Leo (working for change) and opposed by transiting Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius (arousing a desire to reform even though it may be disruptive). This seems to put his natal Uranus in the spotlight, and not too unfavourably. Uranus represents the reformer, the revolutionary, bringer of unexpected change.

I reckon that, whatever the outcome of Dennis Kucinich's brave proposal, astrological indications currently in the charts of these two men, fit the present news story very well.


  1. This is absolutely amazing.
    I am so grateful you shared this.
    I am going to go and post it at Kucinich.us

    Many Blessings!

    Also check out Cornflower on the album "The Theory of Life" by Phillip Daniel. www.phillipdaniel.com

  2. But what's Kucinich going to do about the big mafia guy--the Don In Chief?

  3. Thanks Cornflower - much appreciated! I've checked your music - very nice!

    Hi Ron.
    Hmmmm - I don't know the answer to that, but it's a relief that one politician has the balls to TRY to do something, at last! :-)

  4. Love your insight, love your blog... adding it to my links!

  5. Thank you muchly Matthew. I have pleasure in returning the compliment, and in catching up with your blog !
