Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol Reaching Out

Was it "As Above, So Below" last night ? American Idol went out to its huge audience with the aim of raising donations, "giving something back" to children living in poverty in Africa, and here in America.

In yesterday's chart there were sextiles between Jupiter/Neptune/Mercury, and trines Jupter/Saturn/Mercury. The Grand Fire Trine which, a couple of weeks ago, included the Sun, last night included Mercury. Dynamic Fire and Air in harmony with Mercury provided a good background for reaching out with help and hope to those in need. Yes, there was an opposition, still, between Saturn and Neptune, and another between Jupiter and Venus, but difficult aspects had related helpful ones. I think yesterday's chart was filled with hope.

The 6 remaining Idol contestants chose songs which have inspired them. The songs were interspersed with film clips of the judges during their visits to Africa and some American states. Simon Cowell was visibly shocked at what he encountered in both countries. Most people are already aware of the gravely desperate need in Africa. But here, in the fabled "land of plenty", why are so many children living without adequate food and health care ? This has to be a disgrace! As a foreigner here I try not to be too critical, but really and truly American people should demand more from the government they voted into office!

We heard no hard criticisms of the singing last night. It would have been difficult to find fault with good, sincere performances of songs such as "Imagine", "You'll Never Walk Alone" and "There Will Come a Day".

There's a follow-up live 2 hour show tonight when celebrities from show-biz will join the effort to raise money for needy children.

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