Thursday, April 05, 2007

Inhofe the Intransigent

Senator James Inhofe, who the good but misguided folk of Oklahoma voted into office, is to global warming what Richard Dawkins and James Randi are to astrology. Thorns in its side, pains in the arse - and I make no apology for language - it is a fact!

Senator Inhofe, who continues to tell us that global warming is nothing but a hoax, is currently trying to block Al Gore's proposal that the steps of The U.S. Capitol should be the venue for the American concert in his worldwide "Live Earth" series planned for this summer. There's a good summary of related events and links at a blog called Retrospectacle.

Senator Inhofe is either the consummate skeptic, or in the pay of the oil industry - possibly both. A look at his chart calculated for 12 noon ( he was born 17 November 1934 in Des Moines, Iowa) reveals 4 personal planets in Scorpio. Sun and Venus both at 24*, Jupiter and Mercury at 8* and 5* respectively. Saturn, strongly placed in Aquarius is square his Sun/Venus conjunction. Uranus in Aries is inconjunct Sun/Venus, and square Pluto. Pluto in Cancer trines Sun/Venus. Mars and Neptune in Virgo are inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius. Moon at 12 noon was at 11* Aries, I think it would remain somewhere in that sign irrespective of his time of birth.
I get a quite disagreeable and uncomfortable feel from this chart - of course I could be strongly prejudiced! He's not a person with whom I'd find much in common. His strong, fixed Aquarian( humanitarian) Saturn challenges four fixed passionate Scorpio planets, which probably win through sheer force of numbers to show through in his personality. Had those planets been reversed - 4 in Aquarius and 1 in Scorpio, perhaps Al Gore would have had a staunch ally instead of an enemy.

I think there's a "Yod" configuration here too, it's perhaps too loose to be indicated on the chart above though. Mars and Pluto are sextile and both inconjunct Saturn, forming an arrow-like pattern with Saturn at its tip. Pluto, Mars and Saturn - Yikes!!! That's a strong formation. But I'd have thought Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Cancer would be considerably more benign, and sensible than it turns out! But I suppose it depends on which side of the argument one stands. It's difficult to be objective.

Comparing the charts of Inhofe and Gore, it's interesting to see that Inhofe has Neptune and Mars conjoined within 3 degrees (Neptune rules oil). Al Gore has Mars, Saturn and Pluto within a few degrees of each other. So both men have Mars close to an outer planet, I wonder if this is significant. If so, Al Gore's line up wins in strength, especially as those planets are in his first house. It's a pity there's no birth time for Sen. Inhofe.

Transiting Neptune is currently conjoining Inhofe's Saturn (21* Aquarius), and transiting Saturn is coming up to opposition, it's now at 18* Leo. What might that indicate? Saturn is probably one of his stronger planets, and it'll be under pressure, perhaps its influence becoming more illusional/delusional through Neptune's fogginess. As transiting Saturn comes into opposition with natal Saturn there could be an uncomfortable time in store for the Senator! I'll watch coming events with interest.

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