Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Aries-driven Reformers

I'm on a C.E.O. Carter kick just now. His comment below set me thinking: fromhis discourse on the zodiac sign of Aries .

"Yes, Aries is a reformer; the trouble is, his reforms seem so often to be aimed at making people more uncomfortable than they need be."

Until I read his piece I hadn't considered the sign of Aries in this light. As I read, Al Gore sprang to mind (Sun and midheaven in Aries), and Tony Benn former British member of parliament , socialist, and scourge of the rabid right wing - I love him (Sun and Venus in Aries). Both these men also have Leo ascending and some Leo planets in their first house, Pluto, Saturn and Mars for Gore; Neptune and Moon for Benn. They both therefore have Aquarius on the descendant, which, going back to yesterday's blog entry, fits! Both these men come across, to me, as quite Aquarian. This combination makes for two forces to be reckoned with, yet neither politician has been allowed to rise to heights of which he was more than capable.

There's still time for Al Gore, in spite of the fact that his proposed reforms may be very unpopular with the masses. Tony Benn, though was 82 this week - his time for reforming his country, or the world is well past, but we could still gain from his wisdom. He was a founder member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Several commentators in the US have been asking us recently to imagine what America would be like today had Al Gore been declared president in 2000. I've often wondered what today's Britain would be like had Tony Benn been Prime Minister instead of Margaret Thatcher. Those are two inspiring visions, the first far more likely to have come to pass that the second.

Perhaps the time for Aries-driven reformers is not yet at hand - but it soon will be - mark my words!

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