Monday, February 12, 2007

A Keyhole in the Door to the Future

Surveying a small collection of links gathered over the weekend, saved to a Favourites file, a common thread leapt out. This was blogging serendipity - a new post, there for the taking! Happy happenstance. Three quite unconnected pieces share a theme, all are looking through a keyhole in the door to the future.

Read HERE about a possible new wave of regional devolution, the creation of Nation States within what is now the USA. (I've been saying much the same thing to He Who Knows since I first arrived here. A person from Itzy Bitzy Britain can see a problem here at once!) (ASTROLOGY - Pluto in Capricorn transforming the status quo?)
Now read THIS ARTICLE about an Arctic "doomsday vault" being installed. Its aim is to provide mankind with food in case of a global catastrophe(ASTROLOGY: Saturn in Virgo - getting organised?)

Finally, share with Ed Weiland at WEGADS, his view of how the future could, and surely will, one day evolve. His Rhyme on Rhyme on Rhyme for 9 February is entitled
(ASTROLOGY: This looks far into the future (I hope!) Pluto in Pisces - end of the line, complete transformation and starting over?)

On a rather different subject -I read that Jonathan Cainer has announced that his Psychic Museum will be closed for 2007, though the building will be used by a different company during the coming season. The museum has not been as successful as its founders had hoped. Predictably, newspaper reporters, and the usual suspects on-line, have jumped onto the same old bandwagon to ridicule Mr. Cainer's remark that he will not predict when the museum might re-open.

I'd like to say that we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the museum in 2004, and I find it sad that such a fresh and futuristic idea didn't attract more attention. We wish Mr Cainer better fortune with similar endeavours in the future.

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