Sunday, December 31, 2006

Looking back and forward......

2007 is almost here, bringing a blank page. Before I start to scribble on the new one, a last look at 2006:

Saturn in Leo around mid-sign this summer was well and truly felt in this family circle. A broken bone (daughter with Leo rising). Sports injury resulting in surgery (grandson with Leo Sun). New, badly designed computer system at workplace which nobody could make to work properly for months (Son with Leo Sun). Series of unexpected medical checks resulting, eventually, in nothing to worry about (myself, tr.Saturn opposing Aquarius Sun) and another daughter who had the same Saturn opposition aspect as me now has tr. Pluto sitting between Jupiter and Venus and has health problems. Worry about all of the above for my husband (Leo ascendant).

On a brighter note, I've just noticed that Jupiter transited my North Node in January at the same time as transiting Uranus hit my natal Jupiter in Pisces - I bought my first astrology software then! Jupiter was back at my North Node again in August when I opened this blog!

MY PREDICTION : 2007 will be filled with some good and some bad, with interludes of the mercifully indifferent.

"Happiness is too many things these days for anyone to wish it on anyone lightly. So let's just wish each other a bileless New Year and leave it at that." -Judith Crist

A Bileless New Year everyone!

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